
Luc Pronzato

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7EELuc Pronzato: Optimal experimental design and some related control problems. Automatica 44(2): 303-325 (2008)
6EESylvain Boltz, Eric Wolsztynski, Eric Debreuve, Eric Thierry, Michel Barlaud, Luc Pronzato: A Minimum-Entropy Procedure for Robust Motion Estimation. ICIP 2006: 1249-1252
5EELuc Pronzato, Henry P. Wynn, Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky: Asymptotic behaviour of a family of gradient algorithms in Rd and Hilbert spaces. Math. Program. 107(3): 409-438 (2006)
4EEEric Wolsztynski, Eric Thierry, Luc Pronzato: Minimum-entropy estimation in semi-parametric models. Signal Processing 85(5): 937-949 (2005)
3EEJ.-P. Costa, Luc Pronzato, Eric Thierry: Nonlinear prediction by kriging, with application to noise cancellation. Signal Processing 80(4): 553-566 (2000)
2 J.-P. Costa, Luc Pronzato, Eric Thierry: A comparison between Kriging and radial basis function networks for nonlinear prediction. NSIP 1999: 726-730
1 Luc Pronzato, Henry P. Wynn, Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky: Stochastic Analysis of Convergence via Dynamic Representation for a Class of Line-search Algorithms. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 6(2): 205-229 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Michel Barlaud [6]
2Sylvain Boltz [6]
3J.-P. Costa [2] [3]
4Eric Debreuve [6]
5Eric Thierry [2] [3] [4] [6]
6Eric Wolsztynski [4] [6]
7Henry P. Wynn [1] [5]
8Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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