
J.-P. Costa

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4EEJ.-P. Costa, Luc Pronzato, Eric Thierry: Nonlinear prediction by kriging, with application to noise cancellation. Signal Processing 80(4): 553-566 (2000)
3 J.-P. Costa, J. LeRoux: Kurtosis maximization for blind identification of nonlinear communication channels. NSIP 1999: 176-179
2 J.-P. Costa, Eric Thierry, T. Pitarque: A non persistent excitation input sequence for Volterra and NARMAX filter representation. NSIP 1999: 670-674
1 J.-P. Costa, Luc Pronzato, Eric Thierry: A comparison between Kriging and radial basis function networks for nonlinear prediction. NSIP 1999: 726-730

Coauthor Index

1J. LeRoux [3]
2T. Pitarque [2]
3Luc Pronzato [1] [4]
4Eric Thierry [1] [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)