
Irina Prodanof

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9EEDaniela Giorgetti, Irina Prodanof, Fabrizio Sebastiani: Mapping an Automated Survey Coding Task into a Probabilistic Text Categorization Framework. PorTAL 2002: 115-124
8 Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof, Ronan Reilly, Alessandro Saffiotti: Dialogue Modeling and Response Generation in CFID, a Robust Man-Machine Interface System. AIMSA 1990: 329-340
7 Ronan Reilly, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: Framework for a model of dialogue. COLING 1988: 540-543
6EEMassimo Marino, Antonella Spiezio, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: An Efficient Context-Free Parser For Augmented Phrase-Structure Grammars. EACL 1987: 196-202
5 Massimo Marino, Antonella Spiezio, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: SAIL: A Natural Language Interface for the Building of and the Interacting with Knowledge Bases. AIMSA 1986: 349-356
4 Irina Prodanof, Giacomo Ferrari: Generalized Memory Manipulating Actions for Parsing Natural Language. COLING 1986: 473-475
3 Giovanni Adorni, Amedeo Cappelli, Giacomo Ferrari, Lorenzo Moretti, Irina Prodanof: Syntax and Semantics for Natuarl Language Processing. AIMSA 1984: 161-168
2EEIrina Prodanof, Giacomo Ferrari: Extended Access To The Left Context In An ATN Parser. EACL 1983: 58-65
1EEGiacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: Revising An ATN Parser. COLING 1982: 101-105

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Adorni [3]
2Amedeo Cappelli [3]
3Giacomo Ferrari [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Daniela Giorgetti [9]
5Massimo Marino [5] [6]
6Lorenzo Moretti [3]
7Ronan G. Reilly (Ronan Reilly) [7] [8]
8Alessandro Saffiotti [8]
9Fabrizio Sebastiani [9]
10Antonella Spiezio [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)