
Massimo Marino

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6EEMassimo Marino: Extending the code generation capabilities of the Together CASE tool to support Data Definition languages CoRR cs.SE/0303013: (2003)
5EEAlain Bazan, Thierry Bouedo, Philippe Ghez, Massimo Marino, Craig Tull: The Athena Data Dictionary and Description Language CoRR cs.SE/0305049: (2003)
4 Massimo Marino: Bottom-Up Parsing Extending Context-Freeness in a Process Grammar Processor. ACL 1990: 299-306
3 Massimo Marino: A process-activation based parsing algorithm for the development of natural language grammars. COLING 1988: 390-395
2EEMassimo Marino, Antonella Spiezio, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: An Efficient Context-Free Parser For Augmented Phrase-Structure Grammars. EACL 1987: 196-202
1 Massimo Marino, Antonella Spiezio, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof: SAIL: A Natural Language Interface for the Building of and the Interacting with Knowledge Bases. AIMSA 1986: 349-356

Coauthor Index

1Alain Bazan [5]
2Thierry Bouedo [5]
3Giacomo Ferrari [1] [2]
4Philippe Ghez [5]
5Irina Prodanof [1] [2]
6Antonella Spiezio [1] [2]
7Craig Tull [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)