
Laurette Pretorius

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6EEMauricio Radovan, Laurette Pretorius, Albert E. Kotzé: Towards a Northern Sotho talking head. Afrigraph 2007: 125-133
5EELaurette Pretorius, Sonja E. Bosch: Enabling computer interaction in the indigenous languages of South Africa: the central role of computational morphology. Interactions 10(2): 56-63 (2003)
4EELaurette Pretorius, Sonja E. Bosch: Finite-State Computational Morphology: An Analyzer Prototype For Zulu. Machine Translation 18(3): 195-216 (2003)
3 T. Horne, Laurette Pretorius: Time structures in temporal logics. South African Computer Journal 30: 42-51 (2003)
2 E. Smith, Mariki M. Eloff, Lucas M. Venter, A. Barnard, Laurette Pretorius: Agents, security and ethics : a framework for analysis. South African Computer Journal 31: 18-24 (2003)
1 Laurette Pretorius, Sonja E. Bosch: Finite-state computational morphology - treatment of the Zulu noun. South African Computer Journal 28: 30-38 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1A. Barnard [2]
2Sonja E. Bosch [1] [4] [5]
3Mariki M. Eloff [2]
4T. Horne [3]
5Albert E. Kotzé [6]
6Mauricio Radovan [6]
7E. Smith [2]
8Lucas M. Venter [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)