
Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo

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3EEE. A. Fernandez, Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo, Senén Barro: An ECG Ischemic Detection System Based on Self-Organizing Maps and a Sigmoid Function Pre-processing Stage. AIMDM 1999: 207-216
2 Manuel Fernández Delgado, Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo, Senén Barro: Multichannel Pattern Recognition Neural Network. IWANN (1) 1999: 719-729
1 José Antonio Vila Sobrino, Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Roberto Iglesias, Senén Barro: Improvement in the Computational Efficiency in the Analysis of Signals by way of Adaptive Time Frequency Distributions. EUROCAST 1997: 514-526

Coauthor Index

1Senén Barro [1] [2] [3]
2Manuel Fernández Delgado [1] [2]
3E. A. Fernandez [3]
4Roberto Iglesias [1]
5José Antonio Vila Sobrino [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)