
Biren Prasad

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6 Joze Duhovnik, Marko Starbek, Suren N. Dwivedi, Biren Prasad: Development of innovative products in a small and medium size enterprise. IJCAT 17(4): 187-201 (2003)
5EEBiren Prasad: Towards balancing multiple competitiveness measures for improving business performance in manufacturing. IJMTM 3(6): 550-569 (2001)
4 Biren Prasad: Survey of life-cycle measures and metrics for concurrent product and process design. AI EDAM 14(2): 163-176 (2000)
3 William J. Marx, John C. Kunz, Biren Prasad: Special Issue: Life-Cycle Design (Guest Editorial). AI EDAM 14(2): 89 (2000)
2EEBiren Prasad: Enabling principles of concurrency and simultaneity in concurrent engineering. AI EDAM 13(3): 185-204 (1999)
1 Biren Prasad: System Integration Techniques of Sharing and Collaboration among Work-groups, Computers and Processes. Journal of Systems Integration 9(2): 115-139 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Joze Duhovnik [6]
2Suren N. Dwivedi [6]
3John C. Kunz [3]
4William J. Marx [3]
5Marko Starbek [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)