
Graeme S. Port

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7 Isaac Balbin, Graeme S. Port, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Krishnamurthy Meenakshi: Efficient Bottom-UP Computation of Queries on Stratified Databases. J. Log. Program. 11(3&4): 295-344 (1991)
6 Catherine Lassez, Ken McAloon, Graeme S. Port: Stratification and Knowledge Base Management. J. Symb. Comput. 7(5): 509-522 (1989)
5 Graeme S. Port: A Simple Approach to Finding the Cause of Non-Unifiability. ICLP/SLP 1988: 651-665
4 Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, John Shepherd, Isaac Balbin, Graeme S. Port, Lee Naish, James A. Thom, Justin Zobel, Philip W. Dart: The NU-Prolog Deductive Database System. Prolog and Databases 1988: 212-250
3 Catherine Lassez, Ken McAloon, Graeme S. Port: Stratification and Knowledge Based Management. ICLP 1987: 136-151
2EEKotagiri Ramamohanarao, John Shepherd, Isaac Balbin, Graeme S. Port, Lee Naish, James A. Thom, Justin Zobel, Philip W. Dart: The NU-Prolog Deductive Database System. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 10(4): 10-19 (1987)
1 T. Y. Chen, Jean-Louis Lassez, Graeme S. Port: Maximal Unifiable Subsets and Minimal Nonunifiable Subsets. New Generation Comput. 4(2): 133-152 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Isaac Balbin [2] [4] [7]
2T. Y. Chen [1]
3Philip W. Dart [2] [4]
4Catherine Lassez [3] [6]
5Jean-Louis Lassez [1]
6Ken McAloon [3] [6]
7Krishnamurthy Meenakshi [7]
8Lee Naish [2] [4]
9Kotagiri Ramamohanarao [2] [4] [7]
10John Shepherd [2] [4]
11James A. Thom [2] [4]
12Justin Zobel [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)