
T. Y. Chen

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27EEW. B. Liu, J. J. Zhang, T. Y. Chen: Anti-symmetric periodic solutions for the third order differential systems. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(5): 668-673 (2009)
26EET. Y. Chen: Adaptive Random Testing. QSIC 2008: 443
25EET. H. Tse, T. Y. Chen, Robert L. Glass: An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (2000-2004). Journal of Systems and Software 79(6): 816-819 (2006)
24EEF. T. Chan, W. H. Tang, T. Y. Chen: Software Testing Education and Training in Hong Kong. QSIC 2005: 313-316
23EET. Y. Chen: Are Successful Test Cases Useless or Not?. QoSA/SOQUA 2005: 2-3
22EEKai-Yuan Cai, T. Y. Chen, Yong-Chao Li, Wei-Yi Ning, Y. T. Yu: Adaptive testing of software components. SAC 2005: 1463-1469
21 Kwok Ping Chan, T. Y. Chen, Dave Towey: Adaptive Random Testing with Filtering: An Overhead Reduction Technique. SEKE 2005: 292-299
20EEJinjun Chen, Yun Yang, T. Y. Chen: Dynamic Verification of Temporal Constraints on-the-fly for Workflow Systems. APSEC 2004: 30-37
19EES. P. Ng, Tafline Murnane, Karl Reed, D. Grant, T. Y. Chen: A Preliminary Survey on Software Testing Practices in Australia. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2004: 116-127
18EEF. T. Chan, K. P. Chan, T. Y. Chen, Siu-Ming Yiu: Adaptive Random Testing with CG Constraint. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 96-99
17EEHongchen Li, Yun Yang, T. Y. Chen: Resource constraints analysis of workflow specifications. Journal of Systems and Software 73: 271-285 (2004)
16EEChenggang Bai, Kai-Yuan Cai, T. Y. Chen: An Efficient Defect Estimation Method for Software Defect Curves. COMPSAC 2003: 534-
15EEKai-Yuan Cai, T. Y. Chen, T. H. Tse: Towards Research on Software Cybernetics. HASE 2002: 240-242
14EET. Y. Chen, T. H. Tse, Zhiquan Zhou: Fault-Based Testing in the Absence of an Oracle. COMPSAC 2001: 172-
13EET. H. Tse, X. Feng, T. Y. Chen: On the Completeness of Test Cases for Atomic Arithmetic Expressions. APAQS 2000: 149-155
12EET. H. Tse, Zhiquan Zhou, T. Y. Chen: Testing of Large Number Multiplication Functions in Cryptographic Systems. APAQS 2000: 89-98
11EET. Y. Chen, P. L. Poon: On the effectiveness of classification trees for test case construction. Information & Software Technology 40(13): 765-775 (1998)
10EET. Y. Chen, M. F. Lau: A simulation study on some heuristics for test suite reduction. Information & Software Technology 40(13): 777-787 (1998)
9EET. Y. Chen, M. F. Lau: A new heuristic for test suite reduction. Information & Software Technology 40(5-6): 347-354 (1998)
8EET. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Cheung: Structural Properties of Post-Dominator Trees. Australian Software Engineering Conference 1997: 158-165
7 T. Y. Chen, Y. T. Yu: Optimal improvement of the lower bound performance of partition testing strategies. IEE Proceedings - Software 144(5-6): 271-278 (1997)
6EEF. T. Chan, T. Y. Chen, T. H. Tse: On the effectiveness of test case allocation schemes in partition testing. Information & Software Technology 39(10): 719-726 (1997)
5EET. Y. Chen, P. L. Poon: Construction of classification trees via the classification-hierarchy table. Information & Software Technology 39(13): 889-896 (1997)
4EEF. T. Chan, T. Y. Chen, I. K. Mak, Y. T. Yu: Proportional sampling strategy: guidelines for software testing practitioners. Information & Software Technology 38(12): 775-782 (1996)
3 T. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Cheung: Dynamic Program Dicing. ICSM 1993: 378-385
2 T. Y. Chen: On the Consistency of Multi-Valued Functions. Comput. J. 33(6): 570-572 (1990)
1 T. Y. Chen, Jean-Louis Lassez, Graeme S. Port: Maximal Unifiable Subsets and Minimal Nonunifiable Subsets. New Generation Comput. 4(2): 133-152 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Chenggang Bai [16]
2Kai-Yuan Cai [15] [16] [22]
3F. T. Chan [4] [6] [18] [24]
4K. P. Chan [18]
5Kwok Ping Chan [21]
6Jinjun Chen [20]
7Y. Y. Cheung [3] [8]
8X. Feng [13]
9Robert L. Glass [25]
10D. Grant [19]
11Jean-Louis Lassez [1]
12M. F. Lau [9] [10]
13Hongchen Li [17]
14Yong-Chao Li [22]
15W. B. Liu [27]
16I. K. Mak [4]
17Tafline Murnane [19]
18S. P. Ng [19]
19Wei-Yi Ning [22]
20P. L. Poon [5] [11]
21Graeme S. Port [1]
22Karl Reed [19]
23W. H. Tang [24]
24Dave Towey [21]
25T. H. Tse [6] [12] [13] [14] [15] [25]
26Yun Yang [17] [20]
27Siu-Ming Yiu [18]
28Y. T. Yu [4] [7] [22]
29J. J. Zhang [27]
30Zhiquan Zhou [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)