
Olivier Pons

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5EEEvelyne Contejean, Pierre Courtieu, Julien Forest, Olivier Pons, Xavier Urbain: Certification of Automated Termination Proofs. FroCos 2007: 148-162
4 Brigitte Grau, Anne-Laure Ligozat, Isabelle Robba, Anne Vilnat, Faïza El Kateb, Gabriel Illouz, Laura Monceaux, Patrick Paroubek, Olivier Pons: De l'importance des synonymes pour la sélection de passages en question-réponse. CORIA 2005: 71-84
3EEGilles Barthe, Venanzio Capretta, Olivier Pons: Setoids in type theory. J. Funct. Program. 13(2): 261-293 (2003)
2EEGilles Barthe, Olivier Pons: Type Isomorphisms and Proof Reuse in Dependent Type Theory. FoSSaCS 2001: 57-71
1EEOlivier Pons: Generalization in Type Theory Based Proof Assistants. TYPES 2000: 217-232

Coauthor Index

1Gilles Barthe [2] [3]
2Venanzio Capretta [3]
3Evelyne Contejean [5]
4Pierre Courtieu [5]
5Julien Forest [5]
6Brigitte Grau [4]
7Gabriel Illouz [4]
8Faïza El Kateb [4]
9Anne-Laure Ligozat [4]
10Laura Monceaux [4]
11Patrick Paroubek [4]
12Isabelle Robba [4]
13Xavier Urbain [5]
14Anne Vilnat [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)