
Julien Forest

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7EEPierre Courtieu, Julien Forest, Xavier Urbain: Certifying a Termination Criterion Based on Graphs, without Graphs. TPHOLs 2008: 183-198
6EESebastien Jourdain, Julien Forest, Christophe Mouton, Bernard Nouailhas, Gerard Moniot, Franck Kolb, Sophie Chabridon, Michel Simatic, Zied Abid, Laurent Mallet: ShareX3D, a scientific collaborative 3D viewer over HTTP. Web3D 2008: 35-41
5EEEvelyne Contejean, Pierre Courtieu, Julien Forest, Olivier Pons, Xavier Urbain: Certification of Automated Termination Proofs. FroCos 2007: 148-162
4EEJulien Forest, Delia Kesner: Expression Reduction Systems with Patterns. J. Autom. Reasoning 39(4): 513-541 (2007)
3EEGilles Barthe, Julien Forest, David Pichardie, Vlad Rusu: Defining and Reasoning About Recursive Functions: A Practical Tool for the Coq Proof Assistant. FLOPS 2006: 114-129
2EEJulien Forest, Delia Kesner: Expression Reduction Systems with Patterns. RTA 2003: 107-122
1EEJulien Forest: A Weak Calculus with Explicit Operators for Pattern Matching and Substitution. RTA 2002: 174-191

Coauthor Index

1Zied Abid [6]
2Gilles Barthe [3]
3Sophie Chabridon [6]
4Evelyne Contejean [5]
5Pierre Courtieu [5] [7]
6Sebastien Jourdain [6]
7Delia Kesner [2] [4]
8Franck Kolb [6]
9Laurent Mallet [6]
10Gerard Moniot [6]
11Christophe Mouton [6]
12Bernard Nouailhas [6]
13David Pichardie [3]
14Olivier Pons [5]
15Vlad Rusu [3]
16Michel Simatic [6]
17Xavier Urbain [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)