
Vishakan Ponnampalam

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3EEDino Sejdinovic, Vishakan Ponnampalam, Robert J. Piechocki, Angela Doufexi: The Throughput Analysis of Different IR-HARQ Schemes Based on Fountain Codes. WCNC 2008: 267-272
2EEMagnus Sandell, Vishakan Ponnampalam: Smooth Beamforming and Efficient Beamforming Weight Computation. GLOBECOM 2007: 4076-4080
1EEVishakan Ponnampalam, Darren McNamara, Andy Lillie, Magnus Sandell: On Generating Soft Outputs for Lattice-Reduction-Aided MIMO Detection. ICC 2007: 4144-4149

Coauthor Index

1Angela Doufexi [3]
2Andy Lillie [1]
3Darren McNamara [1]
4Robert J. Piechocki [3]
5Magnus Sandell [1] [2]
6Dino Sejdinovic [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)