
Subash Shree Pokhrel

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6 Moon Ho Lee, Subash Shree Pokhrel, Seung Je Choi: Euler Hadamard Polynomial. Communications in Computing 2008: 131-132
5 Subash Shree Pokhrel, Moon Ho Lee, Chang-hui Choe, Gye-mun Jo: A New Method to Construct OVSF Codes Based on Jacket Matrices. Communications in Computing 2008: 133-136
4EEMoon Ho Lee, Subash Shree Pokhrel, Dae Chul Park: A new sparse matrix analysis of discrete Fourier transform. Applied Mathematics and Computation 205(1): 482-486 (2008)
3EEMoon Ho Lee, Alexander N. Dudin, Alexy Shaban, Subash Shree Pokhrel, Wen Ping Ma: Remark about Transition Probabilities Calculation for Single Server Queues with Lognormal Inter-Arrival or Service Time Distributions. IEICE Transactions 91-B(3): 904-906 (2008)
2EEMoon Ho Lee, Subash Shree Pokhrel, Wen Ping Ma: A Class of Cocyclic Quasi Jacket Block Matrix. IEICE Transactions 90-A(12): 2945-2948 (2007)
1EEMoon Ho Lee, Xueqin Jiang, GiYeon Hwang, Subash Shree Pokhrel: Error Correcting Codes from Modified Butson-Hadamard Matrices. ICSNC 2006: 65

Coauthor Index

1Chang-hui Choe [5]
2Seung Je Choi [6]
3Alexander N. Dudin [3]
4GiYeon Hwang [1]
5Xueqin Jiang [1]
6Gye-mun Jo [5]
7Moon Ho Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Wen Ping Ma [2] [3]
9Dae Chul Park [4]
10Alexy Shaban [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)