
Chang-hui Choe

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5 Subash Shree Pokhrel, Moon Ho Lee, Chang-hui Choe, Gye-mun Jo: A New Method to Construct OVSF Codes Based on Jacket Matrices. Communications in Computing 2008: 133-136
4EEMoon Ho Lee, Aliaksandr Birukou, Alexander N. Dudin, Valentina I. Klimenok, Chang-hui Choe: Quantitative Analysis of Single-Level Single-Mediator Multi-agent Systems. KES-AMSTA 2007: 447-455
3EEHyun Seuk Yoo, Chang-hui Choe, Moon Ho Lee: Low Complexity Encoding Based on Richardson's LDPC Codes. IEICE Transactions 90-B(8): 2151-2154 (2007)
2EEYizhou Ma, Chang-hui Choe, Moon Ho Lee: A Class of Traceability Codes with an Efficient Tracing Algorithm. ICSEA 2006: 63
1EEChang-hui Choe, Gi Yean Hwang, Sung Hoon Kim, Hyun Seuk Yoo, Moon Ho Lee: Key Agreement Protocols Based on the Center Weighted Jacket Matrix as a Symmetric Co-cyclic Matrix. MRCS 2006: 121-127

Coauthor Index

1Aliaksandr Birukou [4]
2Alexander N. Dudin [4]
3Gi Yean Hwang [1]
4Gye-mun Jo [5]
5Sung Hoon Kim [1]
6Valentina I. Klimenok [4]
7Moon Ho Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Yizhou Ma [2]
9Subash Shree Pokhrel [5]
10Hyun Seuk Yoo [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)