
Wendy Plesniak

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3 Wendy Plesniak, Michael Halle, Steven D. Pieper, William M. Wells III, Marianna Jakab, Dominik S. Meier, Stephen A. Benton, Charles R. G. Guttmann, Ron Kikinis: Holographic Video Display of Time-Series Volumetric Medical Data. IEEE Visualization 2003: 589-596
2EEWendy Plesniak, Ravikanth Pappu: Spatial Interaction with Haptic Holograms. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 413-426
1EEWendy Plesniak, Ravikanth Pappu: Coincident Display Using Haptics and Holographic Video. CHI 1998: 304-311

Coauthor Index

1Stephen A. Benton [3]
2Charles R. G. Guttmann [3]
3Michael Halle [3]
4Marianna Jakab [3]
5Ron Kikinis [3]
6Dominik S. Meier [3]
7Ravikanth Pappu [1] [2]
8Steven D. Pieper [3]
9William M. Wells III [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)