
Gilles Piret

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10EEGilles Piret, François-Xavier Standaert: Provable security of block ciphers against linear cryptanalysis: a mission impossible? Des. Codes Cryptography 50(3): 325-338 (2009)
9EEFrançois-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Gaël Rouvroy, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: FPGA implementations of the ICEBERG block cipher. Integration 40(1): 20-27 (2007)
8EEFrançois-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Neil Gershenfeld, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: SEA: A Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications. CARDIS 2006: 222-236
7EELouis Granboulan, Éric Levieil, Gilles Piret: Pseudorandom Permutation Families over Abelian Groups. FSE 2006: 57-77
6EEGilles Piret: Luby-Rackoff Revisited: On the Use of Permutations as Inner Functions of a Feistel Scheme. Des. Codes Cryptography 39(2): 233-245 (2006)
5EEFrançois-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Gaël Rouvroy, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: FPGA Implementations of the ICEBERG Block Cipher. ITCC (1) 2005: 556-561
4 Gilles Piret, François-Xavier Standaert, Gaël Rouvroy, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: On the Security of the DeKaRT Primitive. CARDIS 2004: 241-254
3EEFrançois-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Gaël Rouvroy, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Jean-Didier Legat: ICEBERG : An Involutional Cipher Efficient for Block Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware. FSE 2004: 279-299
2EEGilles Piret, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: Security of the MISTY Structure in the Luby-Rackoff Model: Improved Results. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2004: 100-113
1EEGilles Piret, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: A Differential Fault Attack Technique against SPN Structures, with Application to the AES and KHAZAD. CHES 2003: 77-88

Coauthor Index

1Neil Gershenfeld [8]
2Louis Granboulan [7]
3Jean-Didier Legat [3]
4Éric Levieil [7]
5Jean-Jacques Quisquater [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
6Gaël Rouvroy [3] [4] [5] [9]
7François-Xavier Standaert [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)