
Jean-Philip Piquemal

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8EEJulien Pilmé, Jean-Philip Piquemal: Advancing beyond charge analysis using the electronic localization function: Chemically intuitive distribution of electrostatic moments. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(9): 1440-1449 (2008)
7EECeline Roux, Nohad Gresh, Lalith E. Perera, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Laurent Salmon: Binding of 5-phospho-D-arabinonohydroxamate and 5-phospho-D-arabinonate inhibitors to zinc phosphomannose isomerase from Candida albicans studied by polarizable molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(5): 938-957 (2007)
6EEChristophe Gourlaouen, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Trond Saue, Olivier Parisel: Revisiting the geometry of nd10 (n+1)s0 [M(H2O)]p+ complexes using four-component relativistic DFT calculations and scalar relativistic correlated CSOV energy decompositions (Mp+ = Cu+, Zn2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Au+, Hg2+). Journal of Computational Chemistry 27(2): 142-156 (2006)
5EEJean-Philip Piquemal, Antonio Marquez, Olivier Parisel, Claude Giessner-Prettre: A CSOV study of the difference between HF and DFT intermolecular interaction energy values: The importance of the charge transfer contribution. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(10): 1052-1062 (2005)
4EENohad Gresh, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Morris Krauss: Representation of Zn(II) complexes in polarizable molecular mechanics. Further refinements of the electrostatic and short-range contributions. Comparisons with parallel ab initio computations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(11): 1113-1130 (2005)
3EEJens Antony, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Nohad Gresh: Complexes of thiomandelate and captopril mercaptocarboxylate inhibitors to metallo-lactamase by polarizable molecular mechanics. Validation on model binding sites by quantum chemistry. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(11): 1131-1147 (2005)
2EEJean-Philip Piquemal, Benjamin Williams-Hubbard, Natalie Fey, Robert J. Deeth, Nohad Gresh, Claude Giessner-Prettre: Inclusion of the ligand field contribution in a polarizable molecular mechanics: SIBFA-LF. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(2): 308 (2004)
1EEJean-Philip Piquemal, Benjamin Williams-Hubbard, Natalie Fey, Robert J. Deeth, Nohad Gresh, Claude Giessner-Prettre: Inclusion of the ligand field contribution in a polarizable molecular mechanics: SIBFA-LF. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(16): 1963-1970 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Jens Antony [3]
2Robert J. Deeth [1] [2]
3Natalie Fey [1] [2]
4Claude Giessner-Prettre [1] [2] [5]
5Christophe Gourlaouen [6]
6Nohad Gresh [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
7Morris Krauss [4]
8Antonio Marquez [5]
9Olivier Parisel [5] [6]
10Lalith E. Perera [7]
11Julien Pilmé [8]
12Celine Roux [7]
13Laurent Salmon [7]
14Trond Saue [6]
15Benjamin Williams-Hubbard [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)