
Morris Krauss

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8EENohad Gresh, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Morris Krauss: Representation of Zn(II) complexes in polarizable molecular mechanics. Further refinements of the electrostatic and short-range contributions. Comparisons with parallel ab initio computations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(11): 1113-1130 (2005)
7EEBrian D. Wladkowski, Paul Ostazeski, Sarah Chenoweth, Steven J. Broadwater, Morris Krauss: Hydrolysis of cyclic phosphates by ribonuclease A: A computational study using a simplified ab initio quantum model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(14): 1803-1811 (2003)
6EEW. Andrzej Sokalski, Morris Krauss: Preface. Computers & Chemistry 24(3-4): 241-242 (2000)
5EESharon E. Worthington, Morris Krauss: Effective Fragment Potentials and the Enzyme Active Site. Computers & Chemistry 24(3-4): 275-285 (2000)
4EEPawel Kdzierski, W. Andrzej Sokalski, Morris Krauss: Nonempirical analysis of nature of catalytic effects in ribonuclease A active site. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(6): 432-445 (2000)
3EEMorris Krauss: Effective Fragment Potentials and Spectroscopy at Enzyme Active Sites. Computers & Chemistry 19(1): 33-38 (1995)
2EEMorris Krauss: Effective Fragment Potentials and Spectroscopy at Enzyme Active Sites. Computers & Chemistry 19(3): 199-204 (1995)
1 Nohad Gresh, Walter J. Stewens, Morris Krauss: Mono- and Poly- Ligated Complexes of Zn2+: An Ab Initio Analysis of the Metal-Ligand Interaction Energy. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(7): 843-855 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Steven J. Broadwater [7]
2Sarah Chenoweth [7]
3Nohad Gresh [1] [8]
4Pawel Kdzierski [4]
5Paul Ostazeski [7]
6Jean-Philip Piquemal [8]
7W. Andrzej Sokalski [4] [6]
8Walter J. Stewens [1]
9Brian D. Wladkowski [7]
10Sharon E. Worthington [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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