
José Coelho de Pina

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7EEPaulo Feofiloff, Cristina G. Fernandes, Carlos Eduardo Ferreira, José Coelho de Pina: Primal-dual approximation algorithms for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 103(5): 195-202 (2007)
6EEFábio Viduani Martinez, José Coelho de Pina, José Soares: Algorithms for terminal Steiner trees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 389(1-2): 133-142 (2007)
5EEFábio Viduani Martinez, José Coelho de Pina, José Soares: Algorithms for Terminal Steiner Trees. COCOON 2005: 369-379
4EEJohn M. Boyer, Cristina G. Fernandes, Alexandre Noma, José Coelho de Pina: Lempel, Even, and Cederbaum Planarity Method. WEA 2004: 129-144
3EEJosé Coelho de Pina, José Soares: Improved bound for the Carathéodory rank of the bases of a matroid. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 88(2): 323-327 (2003)
2 Hein van der Holst, José Coelho de Pina: Length-bounded disjoint paths in planar graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 120(1-3): 251-261 (2002)
1EEJosé Coelho de Pina, José Soares: A new bound for the Carathéodory rank of the bases of a matroid. SODA 2000: 942-943

Coauthor Index

1John M. Boyer [4]
2Paulo Feofiloff [7]
3Cristina G. Fernandes [4] [7]
4Carlos Eduardo Ferreira [7]
5Hein van der Holst [2]
6Fábio Viduani Martinez [5] [6]
7Alexandre Noma [4]
8José Soares [1] [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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