
Maurício L. Pilla

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5EEMárcia C. Cera, Guilherme P. Pezzi, Maurício L. Pilla, Nicolas Maillard, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux: Scheduling Dynamically Spawned Processes in MPI-2. JSSPP 2006: 33-46
4EEMaurício L. Pilla, Bruce R. Childers, Amarildo T. da Costa, Felipe M. G. França, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux: A Speculative Trace Reuse Architecture with Reduced Hardware Requirements. SBAC-PAD 2006: 47-54
3EEMaurício L. Pilla, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Bruce R. Childers, Amarildo T. da Costa, Felipe Maia Galvão França: Value Predictors for Reuse through Speculation on Traces. SBAC-PAD 2004: 48-55
2EERafael R. dos Santos, Tatiana Gadelha Serra dos Santos, Maurício L. Pilla, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Sergio Bampi, Mario Nemirovsky: Complex Branch Profiling for Dynamic Conditional Execution. SBAC-PAD 2003: 28-35
1EEMaurício L. Pilla, Amarildo T. da Costa, Felipe M. G. França, Bruce R. Childers, Mary Lou Soffa: The Limits of Speculative Trace Reuse on Deeply Pipelined Processors. SBAC-PAD 2003: 36-45

Coauthor Index

1Sergio Bampi [2]
2Márcia C. Cera [5]
3Bruce R. Childers [1] [3] [4]
4Amarildo T. da Costa [1] [3] [4]
5Felipe Maia Galvão França (Felipe M. G. França) [1] [3] [4]
6Nicolas Maillard [5]
7Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Mario Nemirovsky [2]
9Guilherme P. Pezzi [5]
10Rafael R. dos Santos [2]
11Tatiana Gadelha Serra dos Santos [2]
12Mary Lou Soffa [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)