2007 |
9 | EE | Lee Pike:
Modeling Time-Triggered Protocols and Verifying Their Real-Time Schedules.
FMCAD 2007: 231-238 |
8 | EE | Geoffrey M. Brown,
Lee Pike:
Temporal Refinement Using SMT and Model Checking with an Application to Physical-Layer Protocols.
MEMOCODE 2007: 171-180 |
2006 |
7 | EE | Lee Pike,
Mark Shields,
John Matthews:
A verifying core for a cryptographic language compiler.
ACL2 2006: 1-10 |
6 | EE | Geoffrey M. Brown,
Lee Pike:
Easy Parameterized Verification of Biphase Mark and 8N1 Protocols.
TACAS 2006: 58-72 |
5 | EE | Lee Pike:
A Note on Inconsistent Axioms in Rushby's "Systematic Formal Verification for Fault-Tolerant Time-Triggered Algorithms'.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(5): 347-348 (2006) |
2005 |
4 | EE | Lee Pike,
Steven D. Johnson:
The formal verification of a reintegration protocol.
EMSOFT 2005: 286-289 |
2004 |
3 | EE | Paul S. Miner,
Alfons Geser,
Lee Pike,
Jeffrey Maddalon:
A Unified Fault-Tolerance Protocol.
FORMATS/FTRTFT 2004: 167-182 |
2 | EE | Lee Pike,
Jeffrey Maddalon,
Paul S. Miner,
Alfons Geser:
Abstractions for Fault-Tolerant Distributed System Verification.
TPHOLs 2004: 257-270 |
1 | EE | Gerard Allwein,
Hilmi Demir,
Lee Pike:
Logics for Classes of Boolean Monoids.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13(3): 241-266 (2004) |