
Moisés Piedade

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6EEAna Paiva, Ricardo Chaves, Moisés Piedade, Adrian Bullock, Gerd Andersson, Kristina Höök: SenToy: a tangible interface to control the emotions of a synthetic character. AAMAS 2003: 1088-1089
5 Jasnau Caeiro, Moisés Piedade: Mixed exponentials filter for edge detection and the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. ICIP (3) 2003: 441-444
4EEAna Paiva, Marco Costa, Ricardo Chaves, Moisés Piedade, Dário Mourão, Daniel Sobral, Kristina Höök, Gerd Andersson, Adrian Bullock: SenToy: an affective sympathetic interface. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 59(1-2): 227-235 (2003)
3EEMargarida Silveira, Moisés Piedade: MRF-motion segmentation based on dominant motion estimation and the detection of uncovered regions. ICIP (1) 2001: 373-376
2 Margarida Silveira, Moisés Piedade: Joint Segmentation and Motion Estimation. ICIP (2) 1998: 657-661
1EEJasnau Caeiro, Moisés Piedade: Errors in the estimation of gradient direction using IIR and FIR implementations. ICIP 1995: 2137-2140

Coauthor Index

1Gerd Andersson [4] [6]
2Adrian Bullock [4] [6]
3Jasnau Caeiro [1] [5]
4Ricardo Chaves [4] [6]
5Marco Costa [4]
6Kristina Höök [4] [6]
7Dário Mourão [4]
8Ana Paiva [4] [6]
9Margarida Silveira [2] [3]
10Daniel Sobral [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)