
Giorgio Picci

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7EEAlessandro Chiuso, Giorgio Picci: Consistency analysis of some closed-loop subspace identification methods. Automatica 41(3): 377-391 (2005)
6EETohru Katayama, Hidetoshi Kawauchi, Giorgio Picci: Subspace identification of closed loop systems by the orthogonal decomposition method. Automatica 41(5): 863-872 (2005)
5EEAlessandro Chiuso, Giorgio Picci: Subspace identification by data orthogonalization and model decoupling. Automatica 40(10): 1689-1703 (2004)
4EEAlessandro Chiuso, Giorgio Picci: Asymptotic variance of subspace methods by data orthogonalization and model decoupling: a comparative analysis. Automatica 40(10): 1705-1717 (2004)
3EEAlessandro Chiuso, Giorgio Picci: On the ill-conditioning of subspace identification with inputs. Automatica 40(4): 575-589 (2004)
2EEAlessandro Chiuso, Giorgio Picci: Numerical conditioning and asymptotic variance of subspace estimates. Automatica 40(4): 677-683 (2004)
1 Anders Lindquist, Giorgio Picci, Guy Ruckebusch: On Minimal Splitting Subspaces and Markovian Representations. Mathematical Systems Theory 12: 271-279 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Chiuso [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Tohru Katayama [6]
3Hidetoshi Kawauchi [6]
4Anders Lindquist [1]
5Guy Ruckebusch [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)