
Jorge E. Pezoa

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7EECésar San Martín, Jorge E. Pezoa, Sergio N. Torres, Pablo Meza, Diana Gutierrez: Extended Recursive Filtering Estimation of Detector Offset Nonuniformity in Infrared Imaging Systems. CIARP 2008: 46-53
6EESagar Dhakal, Majeed M. Hayat, Jorge E. Pezoa, Cundong Yang, David A. Bader: Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the Presence of Delays: A Regeneration-Theory Approach. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(4): 485-497 (2007)
5EESagar Dhakal, Majeed M. Hayat, Jorge E. Pezoa, Chaouki T. Abdallah, J. Douglas Birdwell, J. N. Chiasson: Load balancing in the presence of random node failure and recovery. IPDPS 2006
4EESergio N. Torres, César San Martín, Daniel Sbarbaro, Jorge E. Pezoa: A Neural Network for Nonuniformity and Ghosting Correction of Infrared Image Sequences. ICIAR 2005: 1208-1216
3EEJorge E. Pezoa, Sergio N. Torres, Juan P. Córdova, Rodrigo A. Reeves: An Enhancement to the Constant Range Method for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences. CIARP 2004: 525-532
2EEJorge E. Pezoa, Sergio N. Torres: Multi-model Adaptive Estimation for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences. ICIAR (2) 2004: 413-420
1 Sergio N. Torres, Jorge E. Pezoa: Scene-Based Nonuniformity Correction Method Using the Inverse Covariance Form of the Kalman Filter. HIS 2002: 715-724

Coauthor Index

1Chaouki T. Abdallah [5]
2David A. Bader [6]
3J. Douglas Birdwell [5]
4J. N. Chiasson [5]
5Juan P. Córdova [3]
6Sagar Dhakal [5] [6]
7Diana Gutierrez [7]
8Majeed M. Hayat [5] [6]
9César San Martín [4] [7]
10Pablo Meza [7]
11Rodrigo A. Reeves [3]
12Daniel Sbarbaro [4]
13Sergio N. Torres [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
14Cundong Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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