
Brent R. Petersen

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6EETirtharaj Bhattacharjee, Brent R. Petersen: Beyond 4G: Open Source Telecom Leveraging MIMO and Distributed P2P Connectivity for Wired Independence. CNSR 2008: 115-124
5EEIan B. Haya, Brent R. Petersen, Bruce G. Colpitts: Optimum 2-D LOS MIMO Performance Using Omni-directional Antennas Attained through Genetic Algorithms. CNSR 2008: 331-338
4EEJ. Andy Harriman, Brent R. Petersen, Mary E. Kaye: A Reconfigurable Four-Channel Transceiver Testbed with Signalling-Wavelength-Spaced Antennas under Centralized FPGA Control. CNSR 2006: 311-313
3EEV. V. S. Nagesh Polu, Bruce G. Colpitts, Brent R. Petersen: Symbol-Wavelength MMSE Gain in a Multi-Antenna UWB System. CNSR 2006: 95-99
2EEGuangran Zhu, Brent R. Petersen, Bruce G. Colpitts: Signalling Wavelength in an Antenna Array for Space-Time Wireless over LOS Channels. CNSR 2005: 69-73
1 Brent R. Petersen, David D. Falconer: Minimum Mean Square Equalization in Cyclostationary and Stationary Interference-Analysis and Subscriber Line Calculations. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(6): 931-940 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Tirtharaj Bhattacharjee [6]
2Bruce G. Colpitts [2] [3] [5]
3David D. Falconer [1]
4J. Andy Harriman [4]
5Ian B. Haya [5]
6Mary E. Kaye [4]
7V. V. S. Nagesh Polu [3]
8Guangran Zhu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)