
Frans J. Peters

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11 Christian H. Bischof, H. Martin Bücker, Paul Gibbon, Gerhard R. Joubert, Thomas Lippert, Bernd Mohr, Frans J. Peters: Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications, ParCo 2007, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 4-7 September 2007 IOS Press 2008
10EEJan Bruijns, Frans J. Peters, Robert-Paul Berretty, Bart Barenbrug: Fully-Automatic Correction of the Erroneous Border Areas of an Aneurysm. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2007: 293-297
9 Jan Bruijns, Frans J. Peters, Robert-Paul Berretty, Bart Barenbrug: Fully-automatic improvement of the geometry of a vessel graph. VISAPP (1) 2007: 243-252
8 Jan Bruijns, Frans J. Peters, Robert-Paul Berretty, Bart Barenbrug: A Method to Detect and Mark False Branches of a Vessel Graph. VMV 2007: 193-202
7EEJan Bruijns, Frans J. Peters, Robert-Paul Berretty, Bart Barenbrug: Shifting of the Aneurysm Necks for Enhanced Aneurysm Labelling. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: 141-145
6 Gerhard R. Joubert, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Frans J. Peters, Oscar G. Plata, P. Tirado, Emilio L. Zapata: Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo 2005, 13-16 September 2005, Department of Computer Architecture, University of Malaga, Spain Central Institute for Applied Mathematics, Jülich, Germany 2005
5 Gerhard R. Joubert, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Frans J. Peters, Wolfgang V. Walter: Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, PARCO 2003, Dresden, Germany Elsevier 2004
4 Gerhard R. Joubert, Denis Trystram, Frans J. Peters, David J. Evans: Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications, PARCO 1993, Grenoble, France Elsevier 1994
3 Frans J. Peters: Preface. Parallel Computing 18(12): 1289- (1992)
2EEFrans J. Peters: An algorithm for transformations of pictures represented by quadtrees. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 32(3): 397-403 (1985)
1 Frans J. Peters: Tree machines and divide-and-conquer algorithms. CONPAR 1981: 25-36

Coauthor Index

1Bart Barenbrug [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Robert-Paul Berretty [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Christian H. Bischof [11]
4Jan Bruijns [7] [8] [9] [10]
5H. Martin Bücker [11]
6David J. Evans [4]
7Paul Gibbon [11]
8Gerhard R. Joubert [4] [5] [6] [11]
9Thomas Lippert [11]
10Bernd Mohr [11]
11Wolfgang E. Nagel [5] [6]
12Oscar G. Plata [6]
13P. Tirado [6]
14Denis Trystram [4]
15Wolfgang V. Walter [5]
16Emilio L. Zapata [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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