
Erik Perrins

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8EEMarilynn P. Wylie-Green, Erik Perrins: A Novel CPM-SC-FDMA Transmission Scheme for Power Efficient Communication. GLOBECOM 2008: 4668-4673
7EEErik Perrins, Michael Rice: PAM representation of ternary CPM. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(12): 2020-2024 (2008)
6EETom Nelson, Erik Perrins, Michael Rice: Near Optimal Common Detection Techniques for Shaped Offset QPSK and Fehers QPSK. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(5): 724-735 (2008)
5EEMarilynn P. Wylie-Green, Erik Perrins: Reduced Complexity Sequence Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation Represented as the Linear Superposition of Amplitude Modulated Pulses. GLOBECOM 2007: 4226-4231
4EEErik Perrins, Robert Schober, Michael Rice, Marvin K. Simon: Multiple-Bit Differential Detection of Shaped-Offset QPSK. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2328-2340 (2007)
3EEErik Perrins, Michael Rice: Reduced-Complexity Approach to Iterative Detection of Coded SOQPSK. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(7): 1354-1362 (2007)
2EEErik Perrins, Michael Rice: A new performance bound for PAM-based CPM detectors. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(10): 1688-1696 (2005)
1EEErik Perrins, Michael Rice: PAM decomposition of M-ary multi-h CPM. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(12): 2065-2075 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Tom Nelson [6]
2Michael Rice [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
3Robert Schober [4]
4Marvin K. Simon [4]
5Marilynn P. Wylie-Green [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)