
Lucas Pereira

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3 Pedro Campos, Filipe Sousa, Lucas Pereira, Carlos Perestrelo, Duarte Freitas: Cross-Media User Interfaces for Controlling the Enterprise - The EAGLE Integrated System. ICEIS (5) 2007: 129-135
2EEMarc Levoy, Kari Pulli, Brian Curless, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, David Koller, Lucas Pereira, Matt Ginzton, Sean E. Anderson, James Davis, Jeremy Ginsberg, Jonathan Shade, Duane Fulk: The digital Michelangelo project: 3D scanning of large statues. SIGGRAPH 2000: 131-144
1EEHoman Igehy, Lucas Pereira: Image replacement through texture synthesis. ICIP (3) 1997: 186-189

Coauthor Index

1Sean E. Anderson [2]
2Pedro Campos [3]
3Brian Curless [2]
4James Davis [2]
5Duarte Freitas [3]
6Duane Fulk [2]
7Jeremy Ginsberg [2]
8Matt Ginzton [2]
9Homan Igehy [1]
10David Koller [2]
11Marc Levoy [2]
12Carlos Perestrelo [3]
13Kari Pulli [2]
14Szymon Rusinkiewicz [2]
15Jonathan Shade [2]
16Filipe Sousa [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)