2008 |
49 | EE | Dusko Pavlovic,
Peter Pepper,
Douglas R. Smith:
Evolving Specification Engineering.
AMAST 2008: 299-314 |
2007 |
48 | EE | Ingo Stürmer,
Mirko Conrad,
Heiko Dörr,
Peter Pepper:
Systematic Testing of Model-Based Code Generators.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(9): 622-634 (2007) |
47 | EE | Petra Hofstedt,
Peter Pepper:
Integration of declarative and constraint programming.
TPLP 7(1-2): 93-121 (2007) |
2006 |
46 | EE | Stephan Frank,
Petra Hofstedt,
Peter Pepper,
Dirk Reckmann:
Solution Strategies for Multi-domain Constraint Logic Programs.
Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 209-222 |
2005 |
45 | EE | Petra Hofstedt,
Peter Pepper:
Integration of Declarative and Constraint Programming
CoRR abs/cs/0511090: (2005) |
2004 |
44 | EE | Peter Pepper:
Distributed Teaching of Formal Methods.
TFM 2004: 140-152 |
2003 |
43 | EE | Dusko Pavlovic,
Peter Pepper,
Douglas R. Smith:
Colimits for Concurrent Collectors.
Verification: Theory and Practice 2003: 568-597 |
42 | EE | Mohamed Jmaiel,
Peter Pepper:
Development of communication protocols using algebraic and temporal specifications.
Computer Networks 42(6): 737-764 (2003) |
2002 |
41 | EE | Peter Pepper,
Michael Cebulla,
Klaus Didrich,
Wolfgang Grieskamp:
From program languages to software languages.
Journal of Systems and Software 60(2): 91-101 (2002) |
1997 |
40 | | Mario Südholt,
Christian Piepenbrock,
Klaus Obermayer,
Peter Pepper:
Solving large systems of differential equations in parallel using covers and skeletons.
Algorithmic Languages and Calculi 1997: 132-159 |
39 | EE | Peter Pepper:
Deriving Parallel Numerical Algorithms using Data Distribution Algebras: Wang's Algorithm.
HICSS (1) 1997: 501- |
38 | EE | Klaus Didrich,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Christian Maeder,
Peter Pepper:
Programming in the Large: The Algebraic-Functional Language Opal 2alpha.
Implementation of Functional Languages 1997: 322-337 |
37 | | Peter Pepper,
Douglas R. Smith:
A High-Level Derivation of Global Search Algorithms (with Constraint Propagation).
Sci. Comput. Program. 28(2-3): 247-271 (1997) |
1996 |
36 | | Klaus Didrich,
Carola Gerke,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Christian Maeder,
Peter Pepper:
Towards Integrating Algebraic Specification and Functional Programming: the Opal System (Extended Abstract).
AMAST 1996: 559-562 |
35 | | Thomas Frauenstein,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Peter Pepper,
Mario Südholt:
Communicating Functional Agents and Their Application to Graphical User Interfaces.
Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 386-397 |
1995 |
34 | | Peter Pepper,
Martin Wirsing:
A Method for the Development of Correct Software.
KORSO Book 1995: 27-57 |
33 | | Peter Pepper,
R. Betschko,
S. Dick,
Klaus Didrich:
Realizing Sets by Hash Tables.
KORSO Book 1995: 58-73 |
1994 |
32 | | Klaus Didrich,
Andreas Fett,
Carola Gerke,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Peter Pepper:
OPAL: Design and Implementation of an Algebraic Programming Language.
Programming Languages and System Architectures 1994: 228-244 |
1993 |
31 | | Peter Pepper,
Jürgen Exner,
Mario Südholt:
Functional Development of Massively Parallel Programs (Invited Paper).
Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications 1993: 217-238 |
30 | | Peter Pepper:
Program Development in an Algebraic Setting.
Formal Program Development 1993: 225-262 |
29 | | Peter Pepper,
Jürgen Exner,
Mario Südholt:
Funktionale Programmierung für massiv parallele Systeme.
GI Jahrestagung 1993: 551-556 |
28 | | Andreas Fett,
Carola Gerke,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Peter Pepper:
Algebreic Programming in Opal.
Bulletin of the EATCS 50: 171-181 (1993) |
1991 |
27 | | Peter Pepper:
Literate Program Derivation: A Case Study.
Methods of Programming 1991: 101-124 |
1989 |
26 | | Hartmut Ehrig,
Peter Pepper,
Fernando Orejas:
On Recent Trends in Algebraic Specification.
ICALP 1989: 263-288 |
25 | EE | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Bernhard Möller,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper:
Formal Program Construction by Transformations-Computer-Aided, Intuition-Guided Programming.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(2): 165-180 (1989) |
1988 |
24 | | Peter Pepper:
An Algebraic View of Local Formalisms.
ADT 1988 |
1987 |
23 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Herbert Ehler,
A. Horsch,
Bernhard Möller,
Helmuth Partsch,
O. Paukner,
Peter Pepper:
The Munich Project CIP, Volume II: The Program Transformation System CIP-S
Springer 1987 |
22 | | Peter Pepper:
Specification of Distributed Systems Using Modal Logics.
GI Jahrestagung 1987: 110-121 |
21 | EE | Manfred Broy,
Martin Wirsing,
Peter Pepper:
On the Algebraic Definition of Programming Languages.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 9(1): 54-99 (1987) |
20 | | Peter Pepper:
A Simple Calculus for Program Transformation (Inclusive of Induction).
Sci. Comput. Program. 9(3): 221-262 (1987) |
1986 |
19 | | Manfred Broy,
Bernhard Möller,
Peter Pepper,
Martin Wirsing:
Algebraic Implementations Preserve Program Correctness.
Sci. Comput. Program. 7(1): 35-53 (1986) |
1985 |
18 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Rudolf Berghammer,
Manfred Broy,
Walter Dosch,
Franz Geiselbrechtinger,
Rupert Gnatz,
E. Hangel,
Wolfgang Hesse,
Bernd Krieg-Brückner,
Alfred Laut,
Thomas Matzner,
Bernhard Möller,
Friederike Nickl,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Klaus Samelson,
Martin Wirsing,
Hans Wössner:
The Munich Project CIP, Volume I: The Wide Spectrum Language CIP-L
Springer 1985 |
1983 |
17 | | Peter Pepper:
Correctness of Type Transformations.
ADT 1983 |
16 | | Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper:
Abstract Data Types as a Tool for Requirement Engineering.
Requirements Engineering 1983: 42-55 |
15 | | Martin Wirsing,
Peter Pepper,
Helmuth Partsch,
Walter Dosch:
On Hierarchies of Abstract Data Types.
Acta Inf. 20: 1-33 (1983) |
1982 |
14 | | Peter Pepper:
On the Algebraic Specification of Programming Languages.
ADT 1982 |
13 | EE | Manfred Broy,
Peter Pepper:
Combining Algebraic and Algorithmic Reasoning: An Approach to the Schorr-Waite Algorithm.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 4(3): 362-381 (1982) |
12 | | Peter Pepper,
Manfred Broy,
Friedrich L. Bauer,
Helmuth Partsch,
Walter Dosch,
Martin Wirsing:
Abstrakte Datentypen: Die algebraische Spezifikation von Rechenstrukturen.
Informatik Spektrum 5(2): 107-119 (1982) |
1981 |
11 | | Manfred Broy,
Peter Pepper:
Program Development as a Formal Activity.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(1): 14-23 (1981) |
10 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Manfred Broy,
Walter Dosch,
Rupert Gnatz,
Bernd Krieg-Brückner,
Alfred Laut,
M. Luckmann,
Thomas Matzner,
Bernhard Möller,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Klaus Samelson,
Ralf Steinbrüggen,
Martin Wirsing,
Hans Wössner:
Programming in a Wide Spectrum Language: A Collection of Examples.
Sci. Comput. Program. 1(1-2): 73-114 (1981) |
1980 |
9 | | Manfred Broy,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Martin Wirsing:
Semantic Relations in Programming Languages.
IFIP Congress 1980: 101-106 |
8 | | Manfred Broy,
Peter Pepper,
Martin Wirsing:
On Relations Between Programs.
Symposium on Programming 1980: 59-78 |
7 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Manfred Broy,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper:
Programmtransformationen - Das aktuelle Schlagwort.
Informatik Spektrum 3(3): 192-193 (1980) |
1979 |
6 | | Manfred Broy,
Walter Dosch,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Martin Wirsing:
Existential Quantifiers in Abstract Data Types.
ICALP 1979: 73-87 |
1978 |
5 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Manfred Broy,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Hans Wössner:
Systematics of Transformation Rules.
Program Construction 1978: 273-289 |
4 | | Hans Wössner,
Peter Pepper,
Helmuth Partsch,
Friedrich L. Bauer:
Special Transformation Techniques.
Program Construction 1978: 290-321 |
3 | | Peter Pepper:
A Study on Transformational Semantics.
Program Construction 1978: 322-405 |
2 | | Friedrich L. Bauer,
Manfred Broy,
Rupert Gnatz,
Wolfgang Hesse,
Bernd Krieg-Brückner,
Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper,
Hans Wössner:
Towards a Wide Spectrum Language to Support Program Specification and Program Development.
Program Construction 1978: 543-552 |
1976 |
1 | | Helmuth Partsch,
Peter Pepper:
A Family of Rules for Recursion Removal.
Inf. Process. Lett. 5(6): 174-177 (1976) |