
S. Peng

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4 S. Peng, C. P. Lam, G. R. Cole: A biologically inspired four legged walking robot. ICRA 2003: 2024-2030
3 P. Zhang, S. Zhao, S. Peng: Texture Segmentation Based on Wavelet Textons. WAA 2003: 768-773
2 Yingwei Chen, Zhun Zhong, Tse-Hua Lan, S. Peng, Kees van Zon: Regulated complexity scalable MPEG-2 video decoding for media processors. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(8): 678- (2002)
1EES. Peng, R. Lambiase, B. Oerter, J. Smith: SNS Standard Power Supply Interface CoRR cs.OH/0111044: (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Yingwei Chen [2]
2G. R. Cole [4]
3C. P. Lam [4]
4R. Lambiase [1]
5Tse-Hua Lan [2]
6B. Oerter [1]
7J. Smith [1]
8P. Zhang [3]
9S. Zhao [3]
10Zhun Zhong [2]
11Kees van Zon [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)