
Bryan L. Pellom

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6EEÖzgül Salor, Bryan L. Pellom, Tolga Çiloglu, Mübeccel Demirekler: Turkish speech corpora and recognition tools developed by porting SONIC: Towards multilingual speech recognition. Computer Speech & Language 21(4): 580-593 (2007)
5EEAndreas Hagen, Bryan L. Pellom, Ronald Cole: Highly accurate children's speech recognition for interactive reading tutors using subword units. Speech Communication 49(12): 861-873 (2007)
4EEJiyong Ma, Ronald Cole, Bryan L. Pellom, Wayne Ward, Barbara Wise: Accurate Visible Speech Synthesis Based on Concatenating Variable Length Motion Capture Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(2): 266-276 (2006)
3EEJiyong Ma, Ronald Cole, Bryan L. Pellom, Wayne Ward, Barbara Wise: Accurate automatic visible speech synthesis of arbitrary 3D models based on concatenation of diviseme motion capture data. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(5): 485-500 (2004)
2EEAndreas Hagen, Daniel A. Connors, Bryan L. Pellom: The analysis and design of architecture systems for speech recognition on modern handheld-computing devices. CODES+ISSS 2003: 65-70
1 Randall A. Helzerman, Carla B. Zoltowski, Boon-Lock Yeo, Yin Chan, Todd Stewart, Bryan L. Pellom: Implementation Issues in the Development of the PARSEC Parser. Softw., Pract. Exper. 25(8): 831-862 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Yin Chan [1]
2Tolga Çiloglu [6]
3Ronald Cole [3] [4] [5]
4Daniel A. Connors (Dan Connors) [2]
5Mübeccel Demirekler [6]
6Andreas Hagen [2] [5]
7Randall A. Helzerman [1]
8Jiyong Ma [3] [4]
9Özgül Salor [6]
10Todd Stewart [1]
11Wayne Ward [3] [4]
12Barbara Wise [3] [4]
13Boon-Lock Yeo [1]
14Carla B. Zoltowski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)