
Ruud Pellikaan

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16EEReza Rezaeian Farashahi, Ruud Pellikaan, Andrey Sidorenko: Extractors for binary elliptic curves. Des. Codes Cryptography 49(1-3): 171-186 (2008)
15EEReza Rezaeian Farashahi, Ruud Pellikaan: The Quadratic Extension Extractor for (Hyper)Elliptic Curves in Odd Characteristic. WAIFI 2007: 219-236
14EEIwan M. Duursma, Ruud Pellikaan: A symmetric Roos bound for linear codes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(8): 1677-1688 (2006)
13 Ruud Pellikaan, Xin-Wen Wu: List decoding of q-ary Reed-Muller codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(4): 679-682 (2004)
12 Peter Beelen, Ruud Pellikaan: The Newton Polygon of Plane Curves with Many Rational Points. Des. Codes Cryptography 21(1/3): 41-67 (2000)
11 Andries E. Brouwer, Ruud Pellikaan, Eric R. Verheul: Doing More with Fewer Bits. ASIACRYPT 1999: 321-332
10 Ruud Pellikaan, Fernando Torres: On Weierstrass semigroups and the redundancy of improved geometric Goppa codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(7): 2512-2519 (1999)
9 Petra Heijnen, Ruud Pellikaan: Generalized Hamming Weights of q-ary Reed-Muller Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(1): 181-196 (1998)
8 Tom Høholdt, Jacobus H. van Lint, Ruud Pellikaan: Order Functions and Evaluation Codes. AAECC 1997: 138-150
7EEAart Blokhuis, Ruud Pellikaan, Tamás Szonyi: Blocking Sets of Almost Rédei Type. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 78(1): 141-150 (1997)
6 Tom Høholdt, Ruud Pellikaan: On the decoding of algebraic-geometric codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(6): 1589-1614 (1995)
5 C. Kirfel, Ruud Pellikaan: The minimum distance of codes in an array coming from telescopic semigroups. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(6): 1720-1732 (1995)
4EERuud Pellikaan: On decoding by error location and dependent sets of error positions. Discrete Mathematics 106-107: 369-381 (1992)
3 S. C. Porter, Ba-Zhong Shen, Ruud Pellikaan: Decoding geometric Goppa codes using an extra place. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(6): 1663-1676 (1992)
2 Ruud Pellikaan, Ba-Zhong Shen, Gerhard J. M. van Wee: Which linear codes are algebraic-geometric? IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(3): 583-602 (1991)
1 Ruud Pellikaan: On a decoding algorithm for codes on maximal curves. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(6): 1228-1232 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Beelen [12]
2Aart Blokhuis [7]
3Andries E. Brouwer [11]
4Iwan M. Duursma [14]
5Reza Rezaeian Farashahi [15] [16]
6Petra Heijnen [9]
7Tom Høholdt [6] [8]
8C. Kirfel [5]
9Jacobus H. van Lint (Jack H. van Lint) [8]
10S. C. Porter [3]
11Ba-Zhong Shen [2] [3]
12Andrey Sidorenko [16]
13Tamás Szonyi (Tamás Szönyi) [7]
14Fernando Torres [10]
15Eric R. Verheul [11]
16Gerhard J. M. van Wee [2]
17Xin-Wen Wu [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)