
Vasco Pedro

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7EEVasco Pedro, Lucian Vlad Lita, Stefan Niculescu, Bharat Rao, Jaime G. Carbonell: Federated Ontology Search for the Medical Domain. OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 554-565
6EEEric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura, James P. Callan, Jaime G. Carbonell, Robert E. Frederking, Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Laurie Hiyakumoto, Yifen Huang, Curtis Huttenhower, Scott Judy, Jeongwoo Ko, Anna Kupsc, Lucian Vlad Lita, Vasco Pedro, David Svoboda, Benjamin Van Durme: The JAVELIN Question-Answering System at TREC 2003: A Multi-Strategh Approach with Dynamic Planning. TREC 2003
5 Ashish Venugopal, Sriram Gollapalli, Ulas Bardak, Vasco Pedro: Applications in Community Building Groupware. ICWI 2002: 564-567
4EEEric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura, Jaime G. Carbonell, James P. Callan, Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Krzysztof Czuba, Michael Duggan, Laurie Hiyakumoto, N. Hu, Yifen Huang, Jeongwoo Ko, Lucian Vlad Lita, S. Murtagh, Vasco Pedro, David Svoboda: The JAVELIN Question-Answering System at TREC 2002. TREC 2002
3 Vasco Pedro, Luís Monteiro: Modules and Specifications. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1996: 499-510
2 Vasco Pedro, Luís Monteiro: Modules and Specifications. JELIA 1996: 284-300
1 Vasco Pedro, Luís Monteiro: An Approach to Verification in Contextual Logic Programming. ILPS 1995: 634

Coauthor Index

1Ulas Bardak [5]
2James P. Callan (Jamie Callan) [4] [6]
3Jaime G. Carbonell [4] [6] [7]
4Kevyn Collins-Thompson [4] [6]
5Krzysztof Czuba [4]
6Michael Duggan [4]
7Benjamin Van Durme [6]
8Robert E. Frederking [6]
9Sriram Gollapalli [5]
10Laurie Hiyakumoto [4] [6]
11N. Hu [4]
12Yifen Huang [4] [6]
13Curtis Huttenhower [6]
14Scott Judy [6]
15Jeongwoo Ko [4] [6]
16Anna Kupsc [6]
17Lucian Vlad Lita [4] [6] [7]
18Teruko Mitamura [4] [6]
19Luís Monteiro [1] [2] [3]
20S. Murtagh [4]
21Stefan Niculescu [7]
22Eric Nyberg [4] [6]
23Bharat Rao [7]
24David Svoboda [4] [6]
25Ashish Venugopal [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)