
Wen Lea Pearn

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9EEWen Lea Pearn, Ying Chung Chang: Optimal management of the N-policy M/Ek/1 queuing system with a removable service station: a sensitivity investigation. Computers & OR 31(7): 1001-1015 (2004)
8EEWen Lea Pearn, J. B. Chou: Improved solutions for the Chinese postman problem on mixed networks. Computers & OR 26(8): 819-827 (1999)
7EEWen Lea Pearn, R. C. Chien: Improved solutions for the traveling purchaser problem. Computers & OR 25(11): 879-885 (1998)
6EEWen Lea Pearn, C. M. Liu: Algorithms for the Chinese postman problem on mixed networks. Computers & OR 22(5): 479-489 (1995)
5EEWen Lea Pearn, T. C. Wu: Algorithms for the rural postman problem. Computers & OR 22(8): 819-828 (1995)
4EEWen Lea Pearn, Mao Lin Li: Algorithms for the Windy Postman Problem. Computers & OR 21(6): 641-651 (1994)
3EEWen Lea Pearn: Augment-insert algorithms for the capacitated arc routing problem. Computers & OR 18(2): 189-198 (1991)
2EEWen Lea Pearn: Approximate solutions for the capacitated arc routing problem. Computers & OR 16(6): 589-600 (1989)
1EEWen Lea Pearn, Arjang A. Assad, Bruce L. Golden: Transforming arc routing into node routing problems. Computers & OR 14(4): 285-288 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Arjang A. Assad [1]
2Ying Chung Chang [9]
3R. C. Chien [7]
4J. B. Chou [8]
5Bruce L. Golden [1]
6Mao Lin Li [4]
7C. M. Liu [6]
8T. C. Wu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)