
Arjang A. Assad

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8EEArjang A. Assad: Leonhard Euler: A brief appreciation. Networks 49(3): 190-198 (2007)
7EEWen Lea Pearn, Arjang A. Assad, Bruce L. Golden: Transforming arc routing into node routing problems. Computers & OR 14(4): 285-288 (1987)
6EEBruce L. Golden, Arjang A. Assad, Edward A. Wasil: Introduction. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 107-108 (1986)
5EEArjang A. Assad, Edward A. Wasil: Microcomputers and the teaching of operations research. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 211-229 (1986)
4EEArjang A. Assad, Edward A. Wasil: Project management using a microcomputer. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 231-260 (1986)
3EEArjang A. Assad, Bruce L. Golden: Expert systems, microcomputers, and operations research. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 301-321 (1986)
2EEBruce L. Golden, Arjang A. Assad, Larry Levy, Filip Gheysens: The fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Computers & OR 11(1): 49-66 (1984)
1 Bruce L. Golden, Arjang A. Assad: A Preliminary Framework for Urban Model-Building. International Working Conference on Model Realism 1982: 319-330

Coauthor Index

1Filip Gheysens [2]
2Bruce L. Golden [1] [2] [3] [6] [7]
3Larry Levy [2]
4Wen Lea Pearn [7]
5Edward A. Wasil [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)