
C. Payan

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4EEC. Payan, Maurice Tchuente, N. H. Xuong: Arbres avec un nombre maximum de sommets pendants. Discrete Mathematics 49(3): 267-273 (1984)
3EEPaul Erdös, Arthur M. Hobbs, C. Payan: Disjoint cliques and disjoint maximal independent sets of vertices in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 42(1): 57-61 (1982)
2EEErnest J. Cockayne, Odile Favaron, C. Payan, A. G. Thomason: Contributions to the theory of domination, independence and irredundance in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 33(3): 249-258 (1981)
1 G. Bogo, Alain Guyot, A. Lux, J. Mermet, C. Payan: CASSANDRE and the Computer Aided Logical Systems Design. IFIP Congress (2) 1971: 1056-1065

Coauthor Index

1G. Bogo [1]
2Ernest J. Cockayne [2]
3Paul Erdös [3]
4Odile Favaron [2]
5Alain Guyot [1]
6Arthur M. Hobbs [3]
7A. Lux [1]
8J. Mermet [1]
9Maurice Tchuente [4]
10A. G. Thomason [2]
11N. H. Xuong [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)