
Ignazio Passero

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7EEAndrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: SLMeeting: supporting collaborative work in Second Life. AVI 2008: 301-304
6EEAndrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: Supporting Jigsaw-Based Collaborative Learning in Second Life. ICALT 2008: 806-808
5EEAndrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: Migrating legacy video lectures to multimedia learning objects. Softw., Pract. Exper. 38(14): 1499-1530 (2008)
4 Andrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: CD-LOMAS: A Collaborative Distributed Learning Object Management System. ICEIS (4) 2007: 34-44
3EEAndrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: A Service Oriented Collaborative Distributed Learning Object Management System. ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 341-354
2EEAndrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: VLMigrator: a tool for migrating legacy video lectures to multimedia learning objects. AVI 2006: 171-174
1 Andrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Massimiliano Giordano, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora: Migrating Legacy Video Lectures to Multimedia Learning Objects. ICEIS (4) 2006: 51-58

Coauthor Index

1Rita Francese [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Massimiliano Giordano [1]
3Andrea De Lucia [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Genny Tortora (Genoveffa Tortora) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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