
Jin Hwan Park

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8EEJin Hwan Park, H. K. Dai: Reconfigurable hardware solution to parallel prefix computation. The Journal of Supercomputing 43(1): 43-58 (2008)
7EEJin Hwan Park, Bernard A. Demirdag: High Performance Pattern Matching with Dynamic Load Balancing on Heterogeneous Systems. PDP 2006: 285-290
6EEJin Hwan Park: Reconfigurable Parallel Approximate String Matching on FPGAs. DSD 2005: 214-217
5 Jin Hwan Park: Multithreading for Degree Controllable Parallel String Pattern Matching with k-Mismatches. PDPTA 2004: 623-629
4 Jin Hwan Park, Sarah Wu, Baback A. Izadi: Coarse-Grained DRAM Power Management. Embedded Systems and Applications 2003: 248-254
3 Jin Hwan Park, Kyung Hui Ju: An Experimental Result on Java Threads for High Performance Computation. PDPTA 2002: 997-1003
2 Jin Hwan Park: An Efficient Hardware Algorithm for Parallel Prefix Computation with Resource Constraints. PDPTA 2000
1EEJin Hwan Park, K. M. George: Parallel String Matching Algorithms based on Dataflow. HICSS 1999

Coauthor Index

1H. K. Dai [8]
2Bernard A. Demirdag [7]
3K. M. George [1]
4Baback A. Izadi [4]
5Kyung Hui Ju [3]
6Sarah Wu [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)