
Dong-Sun Park

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15 Ju Cheng Yang, Wei Pi, ShanJuan Xie, Sook Yoon, JoonWhoan Lee, Dong-Sun Park: Effective Algorithm for Fingerprint Enhancement in Poor Images. IPCV 2008: 131-135
14 Wei Pi, Ju Cheng Yang, ByoungJun Min, Dong-Sun Park: FPGA Implementation for Preprocessing of JPEG2000. IPCV 2008: 79-82
13EEJu Cheng Yang, Dong-Sun Park: A fingerprint verification algorithm using tessellated invariant moment features. Neurocomputing 71(10-12): 1939-1946 (2008)
12EEJu Cheng Yang, ByoungJun Min, Dong-Sun Park: Fingerprint Verification Based on Absolute Distance and Intelligent BPNN. FBIT 2007: 676-681
11EEJu Cheng Yang, Sook Yoon, Dong-Sun Park: Applying Learning Vector Quantization Neural Network for Fingerprint Matching. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 500-509
10EEJu Cheng Yang, Jin Wook Shin, Dong-Sun Park: Fingerprint Matching Using Invariant Moment Features. CIS 2006: 1029-1038
9EEJin Wook Shin, Ju Cheng Yang, Sook Yoon, Dong-Sun Park: An Image Protection Scheme Using the Wavelet Coefficients Based on Fingerprinting Technique. CIS 2006: 642-651
8 Jin Wook Shin, Ju Cheng Yang, Dong-Sun Park, Sook Yoon: A novel copyright protection for digital images using extra scrambled information. VISAPP (1) 2006: 27-32
7EEJu Cheng Yang, Jin Wook Shin, Gab Seok Yang, Dong-Sun Park: Microcalcifications Detection in Digital Mammogram Using Morphological Bandpass Filters. CIS 2004: 492-497
6EEJin Wook Shin, Sook Yoon, Jin-Young Chang, Dong-Sun Park: Automatic Gateway Selection in Bluetooth Scatternet. EUC 2004: 507-514
5 Ju Cheng Yang, Dong-Sun Park: Detecting region-of-interest (ROI) in digital mammogram by using morphological bandpass filter. ICME 2004: 1279-1282
4EEJu Cheng Yang, Jin Wook Shin, Dong-Sun Park: Comparing Study for Detecting Microcalcifications in Digital Mammogram Using Wavelets. IDEAL 2004: 409-415
3EESung Yong Kim, Jin Wook Shin, Sun Young Sim, Dong-Sun Park: New Mechanisms for End-to-End Security Using IPSec in NAT-Based Private Networks. Human.Society@Internet 2003 2003: 548-557
2EEZu-Kuan Wei, Young-Hwan Oh, Jae-dong Lee, Jae-Hong Kim, Dong-Sun Park, Young-Geol Lee, Hae-Young Bae: Efficient Spatial Transmission in Web-Based GIS. Workshop on Web Information and Data Management 1999: 38-42
1EESeonghyun Baek, Dong-Sun Park, Jaiwan Cho, Yong-Bum Lee: A robot endeffector tracking system based on feedforward neural networks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 28(1): 43-52 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Hae-Young Bae [2]
2Seonghyun Baek [1]
3Jin-Young Chang [6]
4Jaiwan Cho [1]
5Jae-Hong Kim [2]
6Sung Yong Kim [3]
7Jae-dong Lee [2]
8JoonWhoan Lee [15]
9Yong-Bum Lee [1]
10Young-Geol Lee [2]
11ByoungJun Min [12] [14]
12Young-Hwan Oh [2]
13Wei Pi [14] [15]
14Jin Wook Shin [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
15Sun Young Sim [3]
16Zu-Kuan Wei [2]
17ShanJuan Xie [15]
18Gab Seok Yang [7]
19Ju Cheng Yang [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
20Sook Yoon [6] [8] [9] [11] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)