
M. Palaniswami

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6 B. Owen, M. Palaniswami, L. Swierkowski: Automatic Ship Classification using Support Vector Machines. HIS 2003: 545-552
5EEC. Manzie, M. Palaniswami, H. Watson: Model Predictive Control of a Fuel Injection System with a Radial Basis Function Network Observer. IJCNN (4) 2000: 359-364
4EEZhihong Man, H. R. Wu, M. Palaniswami: An adaptive tracking controller using neural networks for a class of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(5): 947-955 (1998)
3EESuthikshn Kumar, Kevin E. Forward, M. Palaniswami: A review of design aspects for neurocomputers. ANZIIS 1996: 88-91
2EEV. Chandrasekaran, M. Palaniswami, Terry Caelli: Range image segmentation by dynamic neural network architecture. Pattern Recognition 29(2): 315-329 (1996)
1EESuthikshn Kumar, Kevin E. Forward, M. Palaniswami: A fast-multiplier generator for FPGAs. VLSI Design 1995: 53-56

Coauthor Index

1Terry Caelli (Terry M. Caelli) [2]
2V. Chandrasekaran [2]
3Kevin E. Forward [1] [3]
4Suthikshn Kumar [1] [3]
5Zhihong Man [4]
6C. Manzie [5]
7B. Owen [6]
8L. Swierkowski [6]
9H. Watson [5]
10H. R. Wu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)