
Jordi Pérez-Romero

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30EEXavier Gelabert, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: Evaluation of Radio Access Congestion in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 5143-5148
29EEJad Nasreddine, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: Simulated Annealing-Based Advanced Spectrum Management Methodology for WCDMA Systems. ICC 2008: 2625-2631
28EEJuan Sanchez-Gonzalez, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramón Agustí, Miguel Ángel Díaz-Guerra, Juan Antonio Moreno, Daniel Paul: A new methodology for RF failure detection in UMTS networks. NOMS 2008: 718-721
27EEF. Bernardo, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: Advanced Spectrum Management in Multicell OFDMA Networks Enabling Cognitive Radio Usage. WCNC 2008: 1927-1932
26EEOriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Lorenza Giupponi: Decentralized spectrum and radio resource management enabled by an on-demand Cognitive Pilot Channel. Annales des Télécommunications 63(5-6): 281-294 (2008)
25EEJad Nasreddine, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramón Agustí: Novel Inter-Cell Interaction Approach for WCDMA-based Cognitive Networks. ICC 2007: 4573-4580
24EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: A Novel Metric for Context-Aware RAT Selection in Wireless Multi-Access Systems. ICC 2007: 5622-5627
23EELorenza Giupponi, Ramón Agustí, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent: Improved Revenue and Radio Resource Usage through Inter-Operator Joint Radio Resource Management. ICC 2007: 5793-5800
22EEMario García-Lozano, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Alvaro Gomes, Pedro M. d'Orey, Silvia Ruiz: Automated Up- and Downlink Capacity Balancing in WCDMA Networks. VTC Fall 2007: 336-340
21EEXavier Gelabert, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: On Managing Multiple Radio Access Congestion Events in B3G Scenarios. VTC Spring 2007: 1137-1141
20EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: A Generalized Framework for Multi-RAT Scenarios Characterisation. VTC Spring 2007: 980-984
19EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: On the Optimum Traffic Allocation in Heterogeneous CDMA/TDMA Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(9): 3170-3174 (2007)
18EELorenza Giupponi, Ramón Agustí, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent: An Economic-Driven Joint Radio Resource Management with User Profile Differentiation in a Beyond 3G Cognitive Network. GLOBECOM 2006
17EEXavier Gelabert, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: A 4-Dimensional Markov Model for the Evaluation of Radio Access Technology Selection Strategies in Multiservice Scenarios. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
16EEJad Nasreddine, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí, Xavier Lagrange: A Proposal on Frequency Management Methodologies for WCDMA Systems Using Cell Coupling Matrices. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
15EEDavid Gomez-Barquero, Daniel Calabuig, Jose F. Monserrat, Nuria Garcia, Jordi Pérez-Romero: Hopfield Neural Network - Based Approach for Joint Dynamic Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
14EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: Network Controlled Cell Breathing in Multi-Service Heterogeneous CDMA/TDMA Scenarios. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
13EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: A Novel Framework for Robust WCDMA Planning under Changing Spatial Traffic Distributions. VTC Spring 2006: 363-367
12EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: A Novel Algorithm for Radio Access Technology, Selection in Heterogeneous B3G networks. VTC Spring 2006: 471-475
11EEOriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramón Agustí, Lorenza Giupponi, Clemens Kloeck, Ihan Martoyo, Stefan Klett, Jijun Luo: Resource Auctioning Mechanisms in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. VTC Spring 2006: 52-56
10EEFerran Adelantado, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero: On Modelling Spatial Traffic and Service Non-Uniformities in WCDMA Reverse Link. VTC Spring 2006: 558-562
9EEJuan Sanchez-Gonzalez, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent: A Location-Aware Resource Reservation Algorithm with User Class Differentiation in WCDMA. VTC Spring 2006: 643-647
8EELorenza Giupponi, Ramón Agustí, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent: A Framework for JRRM with Resource Reservation and Multiservice Provisioning in Heterogeneous Networks. MONET 11(6): 825-846 (2006)
7EERamon Ferrús, Antoni Gelonch, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Nima Nafisi, Mischa Dohler: A feasible approach for QoS management in coordinated heterogeneous radio access networks. IPCCC 2005: 607-614
6EELorenza Giupponi, Ramón Agustí, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent: A novel joint radio resource management approach with reinforcement learning mechanisms. IPCCC 2005: 621-626
5EERamon Agusti-Gomes, Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Lorenza Giupponi: A Fuzzy-Neural Based Approach for Joint Radio Resource Management in a Beyond 3G Framework. QSHINE 2004: 216-224
4EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: On the capacity degradation in W-CDMA uplink/downlink due to indoor traffic. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 856-859
3EEJordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí, G. Pares: A downlink admission control algorithm for UTRA-FDD. MWCN 2002: 18-22
2EEJ. Sanchez, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Ramón Agustí: Mixing conversational and interactive traffic in the UMTS radio access network. MWCN 2002: 597-601
1 Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Fernando J. Casadevall, Ramon Agusti-Gomes: An emulator framework for a new radio resource management for QoS guaranteed services in W-CDMA systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(10): 1893-1904 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Ferran Adelantado [10]
2Ramón Agustí [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
3Ramon Agusti-Gomes [1] [5]
4F. Bernardo [27]
5Daniel Calabuig [15]
6Fernando J. Casadevall [1]
7Miguel Ángel Díaz-Guerra [28]
8Mischa Dohler [7]
9Ramon Ferrús [7]
10Nuria Garcia [15]
11Mario García-Lozano [22]
12Xavier Gelabert [17] [21] [30]
13Antoni Gelonch [7]
14Lorenza Giupponi [5] [6] [8] [11] [18] [23] [26]
15Alvaro Gomes [22]
16David Gomez-Barquero [15]
17Stefan Klett [11]
18Clemens Kloeck [11]
19Xavier Lagrange [16]
20Jijun Luo [11]
21Ihan Martoyo [11]
22Jose F. Monserrat [15]
23Juan Antonio Moreno [28]
24Nima Nafisi [7]
25Jad Nasreddine [16] [25] [29]
26G. Pares [3]
27Daniel Paul [28]
28Silvia Ruiz [22]
29Oriol Sallent [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
30J. Sanchez [2]
31Juan Sanchez-Gonzalez [9] [28]
32Pedro M. d'Orey [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)