
Serge Pérez

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3EEFrancisco Corzana, Mohammed S. Motawia, Catherine Hervé du Penhoat, Serge Pérez, Sarah M. Tschampel, Robert J. Woods, Søren Balling Engelsen: A hydration study of (1->4) and (1->6) linked alpha-glucans by comparative 10 ns molecular dynamics simulations and 500-MHz NMR. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(4): 573-586 (2004)
2 Jaroslav Koca, Serge Pérez, Anne Imberty: Conformational Analysis and Flexibility of Carbohydrates Using the CICADA Approach with MM3. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(3): 296-310 (1995)
1 Søren Balling Engelsen, Serge Pérez, Isabelle Braccini, Catherine Hervé du Penhoat: Internal Motions of Carbohydrates as PRobed by Comparative Molecular Modeling and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Ethyl beta-Lactoside. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(9): 1096-1119 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Isabelle Braccini [1]
2Francisco Corzana [3]
3Søren Balling Engelsen [1] [3]
4Anne Imberty [2]
5Jaroslav Koca [2]
6Mohammed S. Motawia [3]
7Catherine Hervé du Penhoat [1] [3]
8Sarah M. Tschampel [3]
9Robert J. Woods [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)