
Rafael Páez

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6EERafael Páez, Cristina Satizábal, Jordi Forné: A performance model to Cooperative Itinerant Agents (CIA): a security scheme to IDS. ARES 2007: 791-798
5EECristina Satizábal, Rafael Páez, Jordi Forné: WAP PKI and certification path validation. IJIPT 2(2): 88-95 (2007)
4EECristina Satizábal, Rafael Páez, Jordi Forné: PKI Trust Relationships: from a Hybrid Architecture to a Hierarchical Model. ARES 2006: 563-570
3EECristina Satizábal, Rafael Páez, Jordi Forné: PROSEARCH: A Protocol to Simplify Path Discovery in Critical Scenarios. CRITIS 2006: 151-165
2EECristina Satizábal, Rafael Páez, Jordi Forné: Building a Virtual Hierarchy for Managing Trust Relationships in a Hybrid Architecture. JCP 1(7): 60-68 (2006)
1 Rafael Páez, Cristina Satizábal, Jordi Forné: Cooperative Agents and Software Fingerprinting for Security in Intrusion Detection Systems based on Autonomous Agents. Databases and Applications 2005: 105-110

Coauthor Index

1Jordi Forné [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Cristina Satizábal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)