
P. J. Owens

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12EEJ. Dénes, P. J. Owens: Some New Latin Power Sets Not Based on Groups. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 85(1): 69-82 (1999)
11EEP. J. Owens, Donald A. Preece: Aspects of complete sets of 9 × 9 pairwise orthogonal latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 167-168: 519-525 (1997)
10 P. J. Owens, Donald A. Preece: Some new non-cyclic latin squares that have cyclic and Youden properties. Ars Comb. 44: (1996)
9 P. J. Owens: Complete Sets of Pairwise Orthogonal Latin Squares and the Corresponding Projective Planes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 59(2): 240-252 (1992)
8EEP. J. Owens: Knight's move squares. Discrete Mathematics 63(1): 39-51 (1987)
7EEP. J. Owens: Simple 3-polytopal graphs with edges of only two types and shortness coefficients. Discrete Mathematics 59(1-2): 107-114 (1986)
6EEP. J. Owens: Bipartite regular graphs and shortness parameters. Discrete Mathematics 55(1): 101-106 (1985)
5EEP. J. Owens: Bipartite cubic graphs and a shortness exponent. Discrete Mathematics 44(3): 327-330 (1983)
4EEP. J. Owens: Shortness parameters of families of regular planar graphs with two or three types of face. Discrete Mathematics 39(2): 199-209 (1982)
3EEP. J. Owens: Non-Hamiltonian simple 3-polytopes whose faces are all 5-gons or 7-gons. Discrete Mathematics 36(2): 227-230 (1981)
2EEP. J. Owens: On regular graphs and Hamiltonian circuits, including answers to some questions of Joseph Zaks. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 28(3): 262-277 (1980)
1 P. J. Owens: Solutions to Two Problems of Dénes and Keedwell on Row-Complete Latin Squares. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 21(3): 299-308 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1J. Dénes [12]
2Donald A. Preece [10] [11]

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