
Anja Oskamp

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20EEMartijn Warnier, Frances M. T. Brazier, Anja Oskamp: Security of Distributed Digital Criminal Dossiers. JSW 3(3): 21-29 (2008)
19EEMartijn Warnier, Frances M. T. Brazier, Martin Apistola, Anja Oskamp: Secure Distributed Dossier Management in the Legal Domain. ARES 2007: 941-947
18EEMartijn Warnier, Frances M. T. Brazier, Martin Apistola, Anja Oskamp: Towards automatic identification of completeness and consistency in digital dossiers. ICAIL 2007: 177-181
17EEMartine Boonk, Frances M. T. Brazier, David de Groot, Maarten van Stekelenburg, Anja Oskamp, Martijn Warnier: Conditions for access and use of legal document retrieval web services. ICAIL 2007: 37-41
16 David de Groot, Martine Boonk, Frances M. T. Brazier, Anja Oskamp: Issues in a Mobile Agent-based Multimedia Retrieval Scenario. BNAIC 2005: 337-338
15 David de Groot, Martine Boonk, Frances M. T. Brazier, Anja Oskamp: Issues in a Mobile Agent-based Multimedia Retrieval Scenario. EUMAS 2005: 103-113
14EEAnja Oskamp, Emily M. Weitzenböck: Foreword. Artif. Intell. Law 12(1-2): 1-3 (2004)
13EEFrances M. T. Brazier, Anja Oskamp, Corien Prins, Maurice Schellekens, Niek J. E. Wijngaards: Anonymity and software agents: An interdisciplinary challenge. Artif. Intell. Law 12(1-2): 137-157 (2004)
12EEFrances M. T. Brazier, Anja Oskamp, Corien Prins, Maurice Schellekens, Niek J. E. Wijngaards: Law-abiding and integrity on the Internet: A case for agents. Artif. Intell. Law 12(1-2): 5-37 (2004)
11 Dennis M. Kennedy, Marc Lauritsen, Anja Oskamp: Foreword. Artif. Intell. Law 10(4): 225 (2002)
10 Anja Oskamp, Marc Lauritsen: AI in Law Practice? So far, not much. Artif. Intell. Law 10(4): 227-236 (2002)
9 Anja Oskamp: AI techniques and concept analysis. ICAIL 2001: 221-222
8EEAnja Oskamp, Maaike Tragter, Arno R. Lodder: Mutual benefits for AI & law and knowledge management. ICAIL 1999: 126-127
7 Anja Oskamp: Richard Susskind, The Future of Law, Facing Challenges of Information Technology (Review). Artif. Intell. Law 7(4): 387-391 (1999)
6EEAnja Oskamp, Maaike Tragter: Knowledge for Automated Legal Problem Solving: Theory Versus Practice. ICAIL 1997: 142-150
5 Anja Oskamp, Maaike Tragter: Automated Legal Decision Systems in Practice: The Mirror of Reality. Artif. Intell. Law 5(4): 291-322 (1997)
4 Anja Oskamp, Maaike Tragter, Cees Groendijk: AI and Law: What about the Future? Artif. Intell. Law 3(3): 209-215 (1995)
3EECees Groendijk, Anja Oskamp: Case Recognition and Strategy Classification. ICAIL 1993: 125-132
2 R. F. Walker, Anja Oskamp, J. A. Schrickx, G. J. van Opdorp, P. H. van den Berg: PROLEXS: Creating Law and Order in a Heterogeneous Domain. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35(1): 35-67 (1991)
1EEAnja Oskamp, R. F. Walker, J. A. Schrickx, P. H. van den Berg: PROLEXS Divide and Rule: A Legal Application. ICAIL 1989: 54-62

Coauthor Index

1Martin Apistola [18] [19]
2P. H. van den Berg [1] [2]
3Martine Boonk [15] [16] [17]
4Frances M. T. Brazier [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
5Cees Groendijk [3] [4]
6David de Groot [15] [16] [17]
7Dennis M. Kennedy [11]
8Marc Lauritsen [10] [11]
9Arno R. Lodder [8]
10G. J. van Opdorp [2]
11Corien Prins [12] [13]
12Maurice Schellekens [12] [13]
13J. A. Schrickx [1] [2]
14Maarten van Stekelenburg [17]
15Maaike Tragter [4] [5] [6] [8]
16R. F. Walker [1] [2]
17Martijn Warnier [17] [18] [19] [20]
18Emily M. Weitzenböck [14]
19Niek J. E. Wijngaards [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)