
Arno R. Lodder

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18EEArno R. Lodder, Andrea Borri, Jacques Gouimenou, Brian Hutchinson, Vincent Tilman: Towards Standardisation of Online Dispute Resolution Tools. ODR 2008
17EEElisabeth M. Uijttenbroek, Arno R. Lodder, Michel C. A. Klein, Gwen R. Wildeboer, Wouter Van Steenbergen, Rory L. L. Sie, Paul E. M. Huygen, Frank van Harmelen: Retrieval of Case Law to Provide Layman with Information about Liability: Preliminary Results of the BEST-Project. Computable Models of the Law, Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies 2008: 291-311
16 Arno R. Lodder, Laurens Mommers: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2007: The Twentieth Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Leiden, The Netherlands, 12-15 December 2007 IOS Press 2007
15EEElisabeth M. Uijttenbroek, Michel C. A. Klein, Arno R. Lodder, Frank van Harmelen: Case law retrieval by concept search and visualization. ICAIL 2007: 95-96
14 Michel C. A. Klein, Wouter Van Steenbergen, Elisabeth M. Uijttenbroek, Arno R. Lodder, Frank van Harmelen: Thesaurus-based Retrieval of Case Law. JURIX 2006: 61-70
13 Ronny van Laarschot, Wouter Van Steenbergen, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Arno R. Lodder, Frank van Harmelen: The Legal Concepts and the Layman's Terms - Bridging the Gap through Ontology-Based Reasoning about Liability. JURIX 2005: 115-125
12EEArno R. Lodder, John Zeleznikow: Preface. Artif. Intell. Law 13(2): 189-192 (2005)
11EEGerard Vreeswijk, Arno R. Lodder: GearBi: Towards an online arbitration environment based on the design principles simplicity, awareness, orientation, and timeliness. Artif. Intell. Law 13(2): 297-321 (2005)
10EEEmilia Bellucci, Arno R. Lodder, John Zeleznikow: Integrating Artificial Intelligence, Argumentation and Game Theory to Develop an Online Dispute Resolution Environment. ICTAI 2004: 749-754
9EEArno R. Lodder: Book Review: Pamela N. Gray Artificial Legal Intelligence, Darmouth, Aldershot, England, 1997, ISBN 1-85521-266-8. Artif. Intell. Law 12(3): 231-238 (2004)
8 Arno R. Lodder: A simple model to structure the information of parties in online alternative dispute resolution. ICAIL 2001: 233
7 Arno R. Lodder: Christopher W. Tindale, Acts of Arguing, A Rhetorical Model of Argument. Artif. Intell. Law 9(1): 73-78 (2001)
6 Arno R. Lodder: Thomas F. Gordon, The Pleadings Game - An Artificial Intelligence Model of Procedural Justice. Artif. Intell. Law 8(2/3): 255-264 (2000)
5EEMarius J. A. Duker, Arno R. Lodder: Sentencing and information management: consistency and the particularities of a case. ICAIL 1999: 100-107
4EEAnja Oskamp, Maaike Tragter, Arno R. Lodder: Mutual benefits for AI & law and knowledge management. ICAIL 1999: 126-127
3EEArno R. Lodder, Bart Verheij: Computer-Mediated Legal Argument: Towards new Opportunities in Education. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1999(2): (1999)
2EEBart Verheij, Jaap Hage, Arno R. Lodder: Logical Tools for Legal Argument: A Practical Assessment in the Domain of Tort. ICAIL 1997: 243-249
1EEArno R. Lodder, Aimée Herczog: DiaLaw: A Dialogical Framework for Modeling Legal Reasoning. ICAIL 1995: 146-155

Coauthor Index

1Emilia Bellucci [10]
2Andrea Borri [18]
3Marius J. A. Duker [5]
4Jacques Gouimenou [18]
5Jaap Hage [2]
6Frank van Harmelen [13] [14] [15] [17]
7Aimée Herczog [1]
8Brian Hutchinson [18]
9Paul E. M. Huygen [17]
10Michel C. A. Klein [14] [15] [17]
11Ronny van Laarschot [13]
12Laurens Mommers [16]
13Anja Oskamp [4]
14Rory L. L. Sie [17]
15Wouter Van Steenbergen [13] [14] [17]
16Heiner Stuckenschmidt [13]
17Vincent Tilman [18]
18Maaike Tragter [4]
19Elisabeth M. Uijttenbroek [14] [15] [17]
20Bart Verheij [2] [3]
21Gerard Vreeswijk [11]
22Gwen R. Wildeboer [17]
23John Zeleznikow [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)