
Alessandro Orso

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55EERaúl A. Santelices, Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, Taweesup Apiwattanapong, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: Test-Suite Augmentation for Evolving Software. ASE 2008: 218-227
54EEHwa-You Hsu, James A. Jones, Alessandro Orso: Rapid: Identifying Bug Signatures to Support Debugging Activities. ASE 2008: 439-442
53EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: Automated identification of parameter mismatches in web applications. SIGSOFT FSE 2008: 181-191
52EEAlessandro Orso, Tao Xie: BERT: BEhavioral Regression Testing. WODA 2008: 36-42
51EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso, Pete Manolios: WASP: Protecting Web Applications Using Positive Tainting and Syntax-Aware Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(1): 65-81 (2008)
50 Li-Te Cheng, Alessandro Orso, Martin P. Robillard: Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, ETX 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 21, 2007 ACM 2007
49EEJames A. Clause, Ioannis Doudalis, Alessandro Orso, Milos Prvulovic: Effective memory protection using dynamic tainting. ASE 2007: 284-292
48EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: Improving test case generation for web applications using automated interface discovery. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 145-154
47EEJames A. Clause, Alessandro Orso: A Technique for Enabling and Supporting Debugging of Field Failures. ICSE 2007: 261-270
46EEAlessandro Orso, Andreas Zeller: Fifth International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2007). ICSE Companion 2007: 139
45EEShrinivas Joshi, Alessandro Orso: SCARPE: A Technique and Tool for Selective Capture and Replay of Program Executions. ICSM 2007: 234-243
44EEJames A. Clause, Wanchun Li, Alessandro Orso: Dytan: a generic dynamic taint analysis framework. ISSTA 2007: 196-206
43EELi-Te Cheng, Cheryl Morris, Alessandro Orso, Martin P. Robillard: Eclipse technology exchange workshop (ETX2007). OOPSLA Companion 2007: 749
42EESaswat Anand, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: Type-Dependence Analysis and Program Transformation for Symbolic Execution. TACAS 2007: 117-133
41EETaweesup Apiwattanapong, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: JDiff: A differencing technique and tool for object-oriented programs. Autom. Softw. Eng. 14(1): 3-36 (2007)
40EEMurali Haran, Alan F. Karr, Michael Last, Alessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter, Ashish P. Sanil, Sandro Fouché: Techniques for Classifying Executions of Deployed Software to Support Software Engineering Tasks. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(5): 287-304 (2007)
39EEAlessandro Orso, Hyunsook Do, Gregg Rothermel, Mary Jean Harrold, David S. Rosenblum: Using component metadata to regression test component-based software. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 17(2): 61-94 (2007)
38 Michael G. Burke, Alessandro Orso, Martin P. Robillard: Proceedings of the 2006 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, ETX 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 22-23, 2006 ACM 2006
37EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: Command-Form Coverage for Testing Database Applications. ASE 2006: 69-80
36EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: Preventing SQL injection attacks using AMNESIA. ICSE 2006: 795-798
35EEMichael G. Burke, Cheryl Morris, Alessandro Orso, Martin P. Robillard: Eclipse technology eXchange (ETX) workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 619
34EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso, Panagiotis Manolios: Using positive tainting and syntax-aware evaluation to counter SQL injection attacks. SIGSOFT FSE 2006: 175-185
33EETaweesup Apiwattanapong, Raúl A. Santelices, Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: MATRIX: Maintenance-Oriented Testing Requirements Identifier and Examiner. TAIC PART 2006: 137-146
32EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: AMNESIA: analysis and monitoring for NEutralizing SQL-injection attacks. ASE 2005: 174-183
31EEMurali Haran, Alan F. Karr, Alessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter, Ashish P. Sanil: Applying classification techniques to remotely-collected program execution data. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 146-155
30EEArjan Seesing, Alessandro Orso: InsECTJ: a generic instrumentation framework for collecting dynamic information within Eclipse. ETX 2005: 45-49
29EETaweesup Apiwattanapong, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: Efficient and precise dynamic impact analysis using execute-after sequences. ICSE 2005: 432-441
28EEJonathan Cook, Alessandro Orso: MonDe: safe updating through monitored deployment of new component versions. PASTE 2005: 43-46
27EEWilliam G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso: Combining static analysis and runtime monitoring to counter SQL-injection attacks. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
26EEAlessandro Orso, Bryan Kennedy: Selective capture and replay of program executions. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
25EETaweesup Apiwattanapong, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: A Differencing Algorithm for Object-Oriented Programs. ASE 2004: 2-13
24EESaurabh Sinha, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: Automated Support for Development, Maintenance, and Testing in the Presence of Implicit Control Flow. ICSE 2004: 336-345
23EEAlessandro Orso, Taweesup Apiwattanapong, James Law, Gregg Rothermel, Mary Jean Harrold: An Empirical Comparison of Dynamic Impact Analysis Algorithms. ICSE 2004: 491-500
22EEAlessandro Orso, James A. Jones, Mary Jean Harrold, John T. Stasko: Gammatella: Visualization of Program-Execution Data for Deployed Software. ICSE 2004: 699-700
21EEAlessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter: Second ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). ICSE 2004: 775-776
20EEAlessandro Orso, Nanjuan Shi, Mary Jean Harrold: Scaling regression testing to large software systems. SIGSOFT FSE 2004: 241-251
19EEAnil Chawla, Alessandro Orso: A generic instrumentation framework for collecting dynamic information. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-4 (2004)
18EEAlessandro Orso, Saurabh Sinha, Mary Jean Harrold: Classifying data dependences in the presence of pointers for program comprehension, testing, and debugging. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 13(2): 199-239 (2004)
17EEJames A. Jones, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: GAMMATELLA: visualizing program-execution data for deployed software. Information Visualization 3(3): 173-188 (2004)
16EEAlessandro Orso, Taweesup Apiwattanapong, Mary Jean Harrold: Leveraging field data for impact analysis and regression testing. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 128-137
15EEAlessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter: ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). ICSE 2003: 791-792
14 Alessandro Orso, James A. Jones, Mary Jean Harrold: Visualization of Program-Execution Data for Deployed Software. SOFTVIS 2003: 67-76, 211
13EEAlessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter: ICSE workshop on remote analysis and measurement of software systems (RAMSS). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(6): 10 (2003)
12EEVincenzo Martena, Alessandro Orso, Mauro Pezzè: Interclass Testing of Object Oriented Software. ICECCS 2002: 135-144
11EEAlessandro Orso, Anup Rao, Mary Jean Harrold: A Technique for Dynamic Updating of Java Software. ICSM 2002: 649-658
10EEAlessandro Orso, Donglin Liang, Mary Jean Harrold, Richard J. Lipton: Gamma system: continuous evolution of software after deployment. ISSTA 2002: 65-69
9EEJames F. Bowring, Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold: Monitoring deployed software using software tomography. PASTE 2002: 2-9
8EEAlessandro Orso, Saurabh Sinha, Mary Jean Harrold: Incremental Slicing Based on Data-Dependences Types. ICSM 2001: 158-
7EEAlessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold, David S. Rosenblum, Gregg Rothermel, Mary Lou Soffa, Hyunsook Do: Using Component Metacontent to Support the Regression Testing of Component-Based Software. ICSM 2001: 716-725
6EEAlessandro Orso, Saurabh Sinha, Mary Jean Harrold: Effects of Pointers on Data Dependences. IWPC 2001: 39-49
5 Mary Jean Harrold, James A. Jones, Tongyu Li, Donglin Liang, Alessandro Orso, Maikel Pennings, Saurabh Sinha, S. Alexander Spoon, Ashish Gujarathi: Regression Test Selection for Java Software. OOPSLA 2001: 312-326
4EEAlessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold, David S. Rosenblum: Component Metadata for Software Engineering Tasks. EDO 2000: 129-144
3EEUgo A. Buy, Alessandro Orso, Mauro Pezzè: Automated Testing of Classes. ISSTA 2000: 39-48
2EELuciano Baresi, Alessandro Orso, Mauro Pezzè: Introducing Formal Specification Methods in Industrial Practice. ICSE 1997: 56-66
1EELuciano Baresi, Alessandro Orso, Mauro Pezzè: Customizable notations for kernel formalisms. ICECCS 1995: 43-

Coauthor Index

1Saswat Anand [42]
2Taweesup Apiwattanapong [16] [23] [25] [29] [33] [41] [55]
3Luciano Baresi [1] [2]
4James F. Bowring [9]
5Michael G. Burke [35] [38]
6Ugo A. Buy [3]
7Anil Chawla [19]
8Li-Te Cheng [43] [50]
9Pavan Kumar Chittimalli [33] [55]
10James A. Clause [44] [47] [49]
11Jonathan Cook [28]
12Hyunsook Do [7] [39]
13Ioannis Doudalis [49]
14Sandro Fouché [40]
15Ashish Gujarathi [5]
16William G. J. Halfond [27] [32] [34] [36] [37] [48] [51] [53]
17Murali Haran [31] [40]
18Mary Jean Harrold [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20] [22] [23] [24] [25] [29] [33] [39] [41] [42] [55]
19Hwa-You Hsu [54]
20James A. Jones [5] [14] [17] [22] [54]
21Shrinivas Joshi [45]
22Alan F. Karr [31] [40]
23Bryan Kennedy [26]
24Michael Last [40]
25James Law [23]
26Tongyu Li [5]
27Wanchun Li [44]
28Donglin Liang [5] [10]
29Richard J. Lipton [10]
30Panagiotis Manolios [34]
31Pete Manolios [51]
32Vincenzo Martena [12]
33Cheryl Morris [35] [43]
34Maikel Pennings [5]
35Mauro Pezzè [1] [2] [3] [12]
36Adam A. Porter [13] [15] [21] [31] [40]
37Milos Prvulovic [49]
38Anup Rao [11]
39Martin P. Robillard [35] [38] [43] [50]
40David S. Rosenblum [4] [7] [39]
41Gregg Rothermel [7] [23] [39]
42Ashish P. Sanil [31] [40]
43Raúl A. Santelices [33] [55]
44Arjan Seesing [30]
45Nanjuan Shi [20]
46Saurabh Sinha [5] [6] [8] [18] [24]
47Mary Lou Soffa [7]
48S. Alexander Spoon [5]
49John T. Stasko [22]
50Tao Xie [52]
51Andreas Zeller [46]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)