
Dirk Ormoneit

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12EEDirk Ormoneit, Michael J. Black, Trevor Hastie, Hedvig Kjellström: Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis. Image Vision Comput. 23(14): 1264-1276 (2005)
11 Dirk Ormoneit, Saunak Sen: Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning. Machine Learning 49(2-3): 161-178 (2002)
10 Urszula Chajewska, Daphne Koller, Dirk Ormoneit: Learning an Agent's Utility Function by Observing Behavior. ICML 2001: 35-42
9EEEran Segal, Daphne Koller, Dirk Ormoneit: Probabilistic Abstraction Hierarchies. NIPS 2001: 913-920
8EECarlos Guestrin, Dirk Ormoneit: Robust Combination of Local Controllers. UAI 2001: 178-185
7EEDirk Ormoneit, Christiane Lemieux, David J. Fleet: Lattice Particle Filters. UAI 2001: 395-402
6 Dirk Ormoneit, Peter W. Glynn: Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning in Average-Cost Problems: An Application to Optimal Portfolio Choice. NIPS 2000: 1068-1074
5 Dirk Ormoneit, Hedvig Sidenbladh, Michael J. Black, Trevor Hastie: Learning and Tracking Cyclic Human Motion. NIPS 2000: 894-900
4EEDirk Ormoneit, Trevor Hastie: Optimal Kernel Shapes for Local Linear Regression. NIPS 1999: 540-546
3EEDirk Ormoneit: A regularization approach to continuous learning with an application to financial derivatives pricing. Neural Networks 12(10): 1405-1412 (1999)
2EEDirk Ormoneit, Volker Tresp: Averaging, maximum penalized likelihood and Bayesian estimation for improving Gaussian mixture probability density estimates. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(4): 639-650 (1998)
1EEDirk Ormoneit, Volker Tresp: Improved Gaussian Mixture Density Estimates Using Bayesian Penalty Terms and Network Averaging. NIPS 1995: 542-548

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Black [5] [12]
2Urszula Chajewska [10]
3David J. Fleet [7]
4Peter W. Glynn [6]
5Carlos Guestrin [8]
6Trevor Hastie [4] [5] [12]
7Hedvig Kjellström (Hedvig Sidenbladh) [5] [12]
8Daphne Koller [9] [10]
9Christiane Lemieux [7]
10Eran Segal [9]
11Saunak Sen [11]
12Volker Tresp [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)