
Philip V. Orlik

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9EEZhenzhen Ye, Chunjie Duan, Philip V. Orlik, Jinyun Zhang: A Low-Complexity Synchronization Design for MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband Systems. ICC 2008: 3807-3813
8EEHuaping Liu, Andreas F. Molisch, Shiwei Zhao, Dennis Goeckel, Philip V. Orlik: Hybrid Coherent and Frequency-Shifted-Reference Ultrawideband Radio. GLOBECOM 2007: 4106-4111
7EEShiwei Zhao, Philip V. Orlik, Andreas F. Molisch, Huaping Liu, Jinyun Zhang: Hybrid Ultrawideband Modulations Compatible for Both Coherent and Transmit-Reference Receivers. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(7): 2551-2559 (2007)
6EEGang Ding, Zafer Sahinoglu, Philip V. Orlik, Jinyun Zhang, Bharat K. Bhargava: Tree-Based Data Broadcast in IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(11): 1561-1574 (2006)
5EEG. Pekhteryev, Zafer Sahinoglu, Philip V. Orlik, G. Bhatti: Image transmission over IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee networks. ISCAS (4) 2005: 3539-3542
4EEAndreas F. Molisch, Ye (Geoffrey) Li, Yves-Paul Nakache, Philip V. Orlik, Makoto Miyake, Yunnan Wu, Sinan Gezici, Harry Sheng, Sun-Yuan Kung, Hisashi Kobayashi, H. Vincent Poor, Alexander M. Haimovich, Jinyun Zhang: A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission CoRR abs/cs/0502053: (2005)
3EEHuai-Rong Shao, Chia Shen, Daqing Gu, Jinyun Zhang, Philip V. Orlik: Dynamic Resource Control for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Wireless Channel. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 838-843
2 Symeon Papavassiliou, Sheng Xu, Philip V. Orlik, Mike Snyder, Paul Sass: Scalability in Global Mobile Information Systems (GloMo): Issues, Evaluation Methodology and Experiences. Wireless Networks 8(6): 637-648 (2002)
1 Philip V. Orlik, Stephen S. Rappaport: On the Handoff Arrival Process in Cellular Communications. Wireless Networks 7(2): 147-157 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Bharat K. Bhargava [6]
2G. Bhatti [5]
3Gang Ding [6]
4Chunjie Duan [9]
5Sinan Gezici [4]
6Dennis Goeckel [8]
7Daqing Gu [3]
8Alexander M. Haimovich [4]
9Hisashi Kobayashi [4]
10Sun-Yuan Kung [4]
11Ye (Geoffrey) Li [4]
12Huaping Liu [7] [8]
13Makoto Miyake [4]
14Andreas F. Molisch [4] [7] [8]
15Yves-Paul Nakache [4]
16Symeon Papavassiliou [2]
17G. Pekhteryev [5]
18H. Vincent Poor (Harold Vincent Poor) [4]
19Stephen S. Rappaport [1]
20Zafer Sahinoglu [5] [6]
21Paul Sass [2]
22Huai-Rong Shao [3]
23Chia Shen [3]
24Harry Sheng [4]
25Mike Snyder [2]
26Yunnan Wu [4]
27Sheng Xu [2]
28Zhenzhen Ye [9]
29Jinyun Zhang [3] [4] [6] [7] [9]
30Shiwei Zhao [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)