
Marcel Oosterom

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3 Marcel Oosterom, Robert Babuska, Henk B. Verbruggen: Soft computing applications in aircraft sensor management and flight control law reconfiguration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 32(2): 125-139 (2002)
2 János Abonyi, Johannes A. Roubos, Marcel Oosterom, Ferenc Szeifert: Compact TS - Fuzzy Models Through Clustering and OLS Plus FIS Model Reduction. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1420-1423
1 Marcel Oosterom, Robert Babuska: Fuzzy Gain Scheduling for Flight Control Laws. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 716-719

Coauthor Index

1János Abonyi [2]
2Robert Babuska [1] [3]
3Johannes A. Roubos [2]
4Ferenc Szeifert [2]
5Henk B. Verbruggen [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)